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Mashpee Affordable Housing Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> October 7,2014 at 6:30 pm <br /> Waquoit Meeting Room, Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Chairman Walter Abbott, Kalliope Egloff, Allan Isbitz, Marie Stone <br /> Absent: Berkeley Johnson <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chairman Abbott opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and the roll was called. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES-September 2, 2014 <br /> MOTION: Mr. Isbitz made a motion to accept the minutes. Ms. Stone seconded the <br /> motion. 3 yes, 1 abstain <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Town Meeting Article Regarding Laud for Affordable Housing <br /> Mr. Isbitz indicated that the RFP draft for Old Barnstable and Falmouth Road parcels had been <br /> reviewed and edited, but not yet completed. The Chair referenced information he heard <br /> regarding a Town Meeting Article that would allow the Board of Selectmen to sell or lease the <br /> parcels. Mr. Isbitz reported that, in speaking with Assistant Town Manager Tom Mayo, a final <br /> decision had not been made regarding an Article. The Article would not be introduced until <br /> May, and not likely to be finalized until completing the RFP and in consultation with Town <br /> Counsel. <br /> Accessory Affordable Housing Apartment Program <br /> Ms. Egloff stated that some towns on Cape were changing their bylaws in order to streamline the <br /> process for adding accessory affordable housing apartments, often times as part of the Affordable <br /> Housing Trusts, Ms. Egloff suggested more consideration as the Committee prepared to work on <br /> the Affordable Housing Production Plan. The Chair reported that the Assessor's office <br /> confirmed that there were approximately 75 accessory apartments. Ms. Egloff noted that those <br /> apartments could not currently be added to the affordable housing stock. There was question <br /> whether it would be worth pursuing if it could not be counted toward the affordable housing <br /> stock. There was discussion regarding the existing stock of affordable housing totaling 277 <br /> units. Mr. Isbitz noted that the only way accessory apartments could become part of the stock <br /> would be if they were deed restricted into the zoning bylaws for at least 50 years. It was <br /> questioned whether homeowners would agree to a deed restricted unit. Ms. Egloff recommended <br /> learning more about how other Cape towns were incorporating affordable accessory apartments. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Mashpee Affordable Housing Production Plan Update <br /> There was discussion regarding the ANC's involvement with updating the Affordable Housing <br /> Production Plan in conjunction with the Planning Board. Updates were typically due after 5 <br /> years, making 2017 the deadline for the next plan. It was recommended that all members review <br /> the existing Production Plan in preparation. It was also recommended that the total number of <br />