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1 <br /> Motion: Mr. Shaw made a motion to Close and Issue, seconded by Mr. Sweet. vote <br /> unanimous 6-00, <br /> The Agent shoved the Co=issioners photos of the improvements to Abigail's Brook. It <br /> has been completely dug out, the culvert has been removed and a walking bridge has been <br /> constructed. The Agent noted that the project was a success. He added that, hopefully, the <br /> phragmites may stmt to die off with the increased tidal flushing and salinity into the marsh <br /> area.. The project is now officially complete. <br /> New Dredge Technology: Dredge/saltmarsh restoration (handout from. Ken Bate - <br /> J ashpee Waterways Commissioner). <br /> Mr. Michael Talbot, appointed member of the Enviromnental Oversight Conunittee and <br /> President of the Mashp e Environmental Coalition reviewed a proposed Nitrogen Control <br /> Bylaw. He urged the Conunissioners to tale every advantage and every opportunity to <br /> eliminate turf within 100 feet of any waterway,whether it is a marsh, wetland,pond, or bay. <br /> Lawn fertilizers are the second leading cause of nutrient loading,particularly nitrogen in the <br /> estuaries. The Town has been carrying out measures in order to mitigate this. 11r. Talbot <br /> said that Shellfish Constable Rick York is doing a great job with shellfish propagation and <br /> harvesting which directly removes nitrogen from quahogs and oysters in both of the <br /> Popp nesset Bay estuaries. The easiest of all of these issues to deal with is lawn fertilizer. <br /> Mr. Talbot said the' nvironnnental Oversight Cottee has been working on.a Bylaw and <br /> has worked with the new phosphorous fertilizer regulation from the State. Some of the ley <br /> points in the Cape Cod,Commission's Bylaw have also been incorporated. The Selectmen <br /> are co-sponsoring this new Bylaw with the Oversight Committee and is an article at Town <br /> meeting on October 20 at 7;00 p.m. M shpee High School. <br /> Mr. Talbot referred to the introduction he wrote for the Bylaw. The Cape Cod Commission <br /> estimates that if nitrogen from lawn fertilizers getting mato Popponesset bay estuaries can be <br /> reduced by 50 per cent,the need for about 40 million dollars in sewage infrastructure can be <br /> eliminated. This translates mato about 1,000 homes not having to be severed in order to meet <br /> the total maximum daily load of nitrogen under the Cleanrvater Act. Mr. Talbot said he i <br /> looking to the Conunissioners to be the stewards of the environment in Town and asked <br /> them to invite anyone they know v to Town Meeting. The Bylaw doesn't forbid the use of <br /> fertilizers but does limit'its use, particularly near the waterways. Mr..Talbot would life to <br /> get the endorsement ofthe Conservation Commission along with support from the Board of <br /> Selectmen.and the Environmental oversight Committee when he presents the Bylaw at <br /> Town meeting. <br /> 1r. Talbot stated that the adverse impact is not in the type of fertilizer, it is in the way it i <br /> applied. The is to educate people and landscapers. The enforcement is within the <br /> p� . y <br /> jurisdiction of the,Board of Health and the Conservation Co=ission. Both Boards can <br /> issue fines for non-compliance. The Bnviromnental Committee will collaborate with <br /> Falmouth to develop educational programs. Another suggestion is to use the Tv. The <br /> Environmental Co=ittee will be working with the Conservation Con ai sion and has <br /> offered help to the Board of Health as well. Mr. Sweet suggested that Mr. Bartlett work with <br /> Mashpee TV and put together a program that would nun every week. <br />