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I <br /> 628 Main Suet(confinued) <br /> • They offer leadership curriculum. They want to attach business to school. They are thinking of <br /> opening a Subway for kids to work in, <br /> • Teenagers today erre dealing with a lot--for instance, peer pressure and pressure to perform. <br /> School wants to get them focused on what will make them successful in life. Focus on <br /> positive, not negative. <br /> • Environment is very structured. Also have a transition program. <br /> • They teach students hover to get respect. They want to get them focused on future and teach � <br /> therm hover to command respect. <br /> Approximately 60 students in boarding; and 15 staff on at any one time,. <br /> I <br /> • No buses involved verybody staying on site. Only tragic will be staff. <br /> Marcus Hamaker said he spoke with Fire Department; Police Department; Richard and Charlie of <br /> Building Department. <br /> He said he safe with Glen Harrington and water issue has to be dealt with. Town water stops 1,000 <br /> feet short of where they are and there are pressure issues and that sort of thing. Marcus said they <br /> engaged an engineer to look at different ways to deal with water issue. <br /> Glen Harrington addressed the meeting and said they have big hurdles. If water can'be brought <br /> down that would solve a lot of issues. <br /> Glen said he spoke with Marcus about septic issues before. A variance for schools has to be looked <br /> t re Title V. Glen said they would have-to look at other facilities in the State-that have similar number <br /> of people in the school and do 200% of the average-water usage, but their engineer would take care <br /> of that and that would be the basis for getting that variance. <br /> Glen advised that DEP has changed Title V and he believes 'it was just revised but he's not sure . <br /> whether approved yet. The state has stepped back from reviewing those types of variances and it <br /> may be local municipality that is to review and grant the variance. Glen said he will look into this. <br /> Tom Fudala asked whether they are petitioning to Water District for grater. Attorney Mills said they <br /> thought about it. Marcus said he spoke with Andy'and Andy seems grilling to do anything. Marcus <br /> said Andy is helping him run models. They had the well tested and R is probably not.adequate so <br /> they are aware of that. <br /> Harcus said he spoke with a sprinkler company and there are plenty of alternatives for fire <br /> suppression if they get the water to the property---they are looking at cost. <br /> -Marcus said he contacted an engineering firm in Falmouth to look at current septic system and it can't <br /> handle what they want .,. so they have people working on water and septic issues. <br /> Glen Harrington said flow would be 4200 gallons per day for 60 students, but system they have is for <br /> 1200 gallons per day. But that's Ther variance for schools comes in. <br /> i <br /> I <br /> 2 <br /> i <br />