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Sicin .Reguest to allow a sign on.Great Neck Road south continued <br /> Conclusion: Scott Carllne suggested the application be tabled for now and seek Town counsel <br /> Opinion on the issue. Bud Abbot agreed with that and Michael Mendoza said perhaps In the <br /> meantime applicant might find another site that may be workable. Tom Fudala will pull out the state <br /> highway layout for Mr. Abbot to review. Mile Mendoza and William Blaisdell will talc with Town <br /> Counsel. <br /> Mary T. Perry <br /> Request for a personal fennel dogs) <br /> 2 Crnboue Circle - <br /> Mary Perry appeared. Currently in her household she has 5,dogs----the mother Chihuahua; ,3 b b r <br /> Chihuahuas; and 1 border collie mix. Ms. Perry stated: <br /> She is homeowner at 12 Cransbourne circle and been there for 18 years. <br /> She had 2 miniature teacup,Chihuahuas; they had 3 babies 2-male, 1 female) who are almost <br /> months old now. The adult male was filled by coyotes. <br /> She doesn't plan on breeding but is thinking in the future she may breed the ferrule puppy— <br /> but that may be 3 years in the future. She would breed and sell the dogs. <br /> Provided proof of mailing; she received all back but 2. <br /> She has ' vire fence along border of back porch. <br /> Clogs don't spend rnubh time outdoors--basically small lore dogs. <br /> Now has motion lights outside. <br /> Scott Carline inquired whether there were any safety issues or noise complaints filed for barking. <br /> Mary Perry said neighbors' dogs rnake more noise than her dogs. <br /> Glen Darrington noted that the applicant will be corning to the Board of Health on Thursday night; <br /> thea inspection will be scheduled. <br /> Public Discussion <br /> Veronica Botel o addressed the Committee. She said she lives at g Dings Court and their property <br /> abuts her property. She said she tools care of Chihuahuas for 4 years and they barb at their own <br /> shadow. She said they can be vicious. lilts. Botelho said she carne to this development from <br /> Falmouth to be in a nice quiet area and now she's being surrounded by barking dogs. She said for 2 <br /> years she has been fighting the border collie who j u rn ps. over Ms. Botelho's ' fence to get to her <br /> property and destroys her vegetable garden. <br /> Mary Perry responded that the border collie is an older dog and since the other border coli died she <br /> stays inside the property, but does get out once in a while. Ms. Ferry said when her dogs are in the <br /> house she hears another dog barking all the tim all barking noise can't be blamed on her dogs. <br /> She said several years ago a complaint was filed against her boner collies, but that was when they <br /> had 2 border collies. <br /> Veronica Botelho said `iyour border collie was loose last night and sared a neighbor". Drew <br /> McManus commented that thea is a leash law. pilary Ferry said the border collie is not vicious.. she <br /> is an older dog, 12 years old. <br /> 2 <br />