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Y i <br /> S <br /> Commercial Real Instate, Inc., Michael Gxancola. Torn noted FDIC is not required to <br /> follow the 30B process but we are following it as close as we can to get the best price. <br /> Tom reviewed the scenario and cost estimate page. He reviewed the sales scenario and <br /> the lease scenario with the members. Torn reminded everyone that EDIC is exempt from <br /> 30B but we are trying to follow the process to make sure get the best deal, the best <br /> person, the best firm and the best price for EDIC and all of this is further negotiable. <br /> Terrie Cook noted that all the firms are very well known and very reputable. <br /> Dino Mitrokostas excused himself from this discussion and vote due to a possible conflict <br /> of interest. <br /> Following a lengthy discussion, Motion: Mary LeClair moved to award the bid to <br /> Cape Business Brokers with the condition on verifying the lease terms and <br /> negotiating the maximum sales commission to %. Seconded by Terrie Cook. Tori <br /> said he could confirm this in the morning given the vote. Moll Call vote: Robyn <br /> Simmons, yes Mary LeClair, yes; Terrie Cook,yes& Carol Sherman,yes; and Dino <br /> Mltro os as, abstained. <br /> Motion: Terrie Cook moved to authori a Tour Mayo to do the negotiations, <br /> seconded by Mary LeClair. vote -0-1 with Digo Mitrokostas abstaining. <br /> e. Update on compilation of Mashpee Guide for Business. Carol Sherman presented <br /> the Mashpee Guide for Business to the FDIC members. She noted this can be seen <br /> online. <br /> d. Distribution Flan for Guide for Business and instructions for the distribution. <br /> There was a discussion where should the Guide be available to new businesses: the <br /> Chamber of Commerce, the Library, Clerk's Office, Banks, Building Department, and <br /> Selectmen's office. Carol stated the guides will not be handed out as fliers. This is for <br /> serious businesses that are corning into our town and want information on how to open up <br /> a business. Torn will be writing instructions on how to handle the handing out of these <br /> booklets. It has to be a serious business who wants to come to Ma hpee. To start with, <br /> there will be two guides placed in each location with the explanation that this is an <br /> informational packet to be given to someone who is very interested in opening a business <br /> in Mashpee and that the guide can also be picked up online. <br /> Presentation of Guide to Chamber of Commerce. <br /> E. Carol Sherman announced that the Chamber is having their after hours April 25 frorn <br /> o to 7 3 o at the Cape Cod Fitness and MIC will present the Guide at this time. Dino <br /> said he will bring the wide to the other locations and will give them Tom Mayo's <br /> business card in the event they have any questions. If they run out they can call for more. <br /> . Discussion of vacant Seat on Board. Torn said he called Andy Gottlieb and Andy <br /> will be attending tonight's meeting. Worn said the opening on the EDIC is for a member <br /> with a real estate license. This will be discussed with Andy when he arrives. <br />