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ra � <br /> inland, while it was a major issue on the coast. Selectman Cahalane stated that two attempts to_ <br /> develop a nitrogen fertilizer bylaw had not moved forward. Since that tirne, Selectman Cahalane <br /> felt that residents had likely become more aware ofthe issue. Mr. Talbot anted that towns did <br /> not have the right to regulate pesticides, but it was unclear whether towns could regulate <br /> fertilizer, and Pushback was occurring from manufacturers and landscape companies. Mr. Talbot <br /> explained that Falmouth's bylaw would limit nitrogen to 1 lb. per year. It would allow fertilizer <br /> applications between April 14 and October 1, when turf would be actively growing. Mr. Talbot <br /> explained the problems of overloading lawns with fertilizer and runoff from the roadways <br /> eventually making its way to the bays. Mr. Talbot suggested that a bylaw could possibly count <br /> toward reaching the TMDL. Mr. Talbot recommended that Mashpee establish a bylaw that could <br /> eventually be regionally incorporated. <br /> Mr. Talbot made a motion to tape on the idea of putting together something to present to <br /> the October Town Meeting. Selectman Cahalane seconded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. <br /> Mr. Talbot noted that the Attorney General would be making the determination as to whether <br /> municipalities could legally regulate fertilizers. Those who oppose the regulation suggest that it <br /> was the same as pesticides which would be regulated by DAR and not municipalities. Mr. <br /> Talbot suggested that the Committee draft a letter recommending that towns be allowed to <br /> regulate nitrogen in fertilizers. W. Theis recommended that both nitrogen and phosphorus <br /> should be incorporated into a bylaw. Mr. Talbot noted that phosphorus would be addressed <br /> through the state adding that nitrogen was impacting local bay waters_ Chairman Petersen <br /> suggested a two-prong approach to address both issues. Selectman Cahalane indicated that the <br /> bylaw would need to be submitted by the middle of July. There was agreement that the bylaw <br /> should be simplified and there was discussion about enforcement. The Chair suggested <br /> developing a bylaw while working toward identifying a means of enforcement. Mr. Talbot <br /> indicated that he would work on a draft prior to the next meeting, basing it on Falmouth's bylaw <br /> and focusing on nitrogen. <br /> Mr. Theis made a motion to recommend to the Board of Selectmen to write a letter to the <br /> Attorney General in support of the Falmouth nitrogen bylaw to empower the towns to be <br /> able to regulate fertilizer. <br /> Chairman Petersen indicated that he would draft a letter. Ilr. Talbot would also review <br /> 1lashpee's previous bylaw draft. The official vote will be taken when the letter is drafted. <br /> Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant <br /> Selectman Cahalane stated that residents voted in favor of the non-binding resolution to fix or <br /> close the power plant. The Chair stated that he had received permission from George Baker to <br /> air his presentation on the local channel. Selectman Cahalane suggested the footage should be <br /> located in the Archives of Channel 18, <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Water Quality Monitoring <br /> Combine Water-Sewer <br /> Selectman Cahalane reported that the attorneys were continuing to work on the issue. Selectman <br /> Cahalane announced that Tom Fudala had been elected to the'Nater District Commission. <br /> 2 <br />