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(NEW BUSI ESS. nt'd <br /> (2) Joyce Mason requested approval of the transfer of$169.00 from the !--Historical Expense <br /> account to the Historical Temporary Wage account, to cover the additional clerical expenses <br /> worked over and above the budgeted number of hours. <br /> Christopher Avis rade a motion that the Committee approve the request for the transfer of$169.00 <br /> fro the Historical Expense Account to the Historical Tern prary Wage Account to cover Temp. <br /> overtime hours . Theresa Cook seconded the motion. Thee motion was approved 6-0, (one member <br /> absent). <br /> C. Liaison Reports <br /> (1) Joyce Mason —special School Committee meeting. Joyce Mason reported on a <br /> meeting she attended on Friday: July 5th, with selectman Wayne Taylor, Asst. Town Manager Torr <br /> Mayo,, School Committee members Scott McGee and Don Myers, Finance C mrrritt a members <br /> Mark Davina and Theresa Cook, Town Accountant Dawn Thayer, School Superintendent Brian <br /> Hyde, and school Business Manager Pawl Funk. The purpose of the meeting was to examine the <br /> School Committee's intent to submit an article to transfer$150,000 to their FY 2014 budget to cover <br /> two contracts they had just settled but did not have the money in the FY 2014 budget. The school <br /> Committee was looking for a cushion in their budget in the event that it would be needed. Ms. <br /> Mason pointed out that the school Committee has not yet reviewed their entire budget for FY 2014. <br /> The Finance Committee members agreed that until it became a true demonstrated need of the <br /> School, the town would defer action until at least the May special Town Meeting. <br /> The ether issue discussed at the meeting was the creation of the position of a fulitime School! <br /> Resource Officer (SRO). Joyce Mason stated that the SRO would act as a floater for the three <br /> schools. The Police Chief will be given the flexibility to assign a SRO from his patrol officers' staff. <br /> Ills. Masan agreed to fund the benefits for the position through the Police Officer's budget instead of <br /> the School budget. <br /> (2) Charles Gasior^ DEAN. Mr. Gasior reviewed a site visit he: Joyce Mason and <br /> Catherine Laurent recently made to New Bedford Waste services: a company which has provided <br /> an alternative to SEMASS for it ashpee3s future disposal of its solid waste materials. The current <br /> Mashpee contract with SEMASS expires at the end of year 2014. The Bedford Waste Services <br /> company, along with its partner, WERC, which has developed a process to produce br'i l ettes from <br /> solid waste as a source of fuel in lieu of coal or natural gas in electric generating plants, will be <br /> making a presentation at the Burd of selectmen's meeting on July 22, 2013. The companies are <br /> in the process of obtaining full DEP approval. <br /> D. Liaison Assignments. Mark Davini distributed the liaison assignments to the Committee <br /> members for their review. The Committee members were in agreement with the liaison <br /> assignments. <br /> E. Chronology of Events. Mark Davini distributed the following chronology of everts prepared by <br /> Jayne Mason: . <br /> - Budget and Town Meeting Calendar for FY 2015; <br /> - Calendar for October Town Meeting; <br /> - Proposed Timeline for Budget Message Preparation <br /> F. First Draft Warrant Articles. Joyce Mason distributed the first draft of the warrant articles for <br /> review by the committee :members. Nis. Mason stated that all the explanations for the warrant <br /> 2 <br />