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Police Department: meeting tomorrow with Police Chief Rodney Collins and two high <br /> school seniors who want to be police officers, for a practice interview with chief Collins. <br /> -Affordable Housing: two more pieces of property are opening up on Strawberry Lane <br /> and Orchard Lane with two more openings at Park Place corning up with Habitat for Humanity. <br /> - Oyster Collaborative: Mashpee may conceivably get some oyster seeds from Hurricane <br /> Sandy money for towns that have interest in reducing nitrogen in their waterways. <br /> Waterways Commission:will do more dredging next year. <br /> - South Cape Erosion Project: DEP is pushing hard. <br /> C. Transfer Requests— None. <br /> D. Finance Committee Liaison Budget Meeting Reports <br /> - Capital Improvements Committee. Theresa Cook reported that the committee met twice, <br /> conducted hearings for all people who had requests, listened to the Board of Health, the Fire and <br /> Rescue, the DPW (including the Planning and Construction), Sewer Commission, Information <br /> Technology, Police and the School.. Most of the things that were presented were following the <br /> plan that has been in place. At this moment, Joyce Mason estimates that$500,000 will be <br /> available for the CIC. Deliberations will begin at the next CIC meeting on 2/25/14 to establish a <br /> prioritized distribution list for the available funds. <br /> - school Report.. Joyce Mason reported that Brian Hyde confirmed that$150,000 will be turned <br /> back to the Town, and the School has agreed to the Town's requested budget for 2015. Joyce <br /> Mason also suggested to IIIb. Hyde that the school consider a pilot program for his pre-school <br /> initiative program, as a test to get a feel for the feasibility of a full scale program. <br /> .- Library. Theresa Cool[attended a legislative breakfast held at the library for all the local <br /> legislators including all the local library people from the Cape and the Islands. Presentations were <br /> made from other libraries with interesting programs they run.from outside sources which is <br /> something that perhaps the Ilashpee Friends of the Library could consider. Of particular interest <br /> were the programs targeted for teenagers. <br /> - <br /> Police Dept. ( lark Davinii referred to the email received from Police Chief Rodney Collins <br /> explaining in detail the overtime expenditures in his department. The consensus of the committee <br /> was that Chief Collins adequately accounted for the overtime costs that his department <br /> accumulates. <br /> Recreation Dept. Mark Davini re orted a new recreation director has been appointed to <br /> p p i <br /> replace Gus Frederick who retired in January, 2014. .Replacement of canopies for lifeguard chairs, <br /> replacement of swim buoys were the only new expenses added to the increase in cost for utilities. <br /> Human Services. Mark Davini met with Joyce Mason and department Director Gail Wilson, <br /> who made a heartfelt presentation. Their budget increase request was ars additional $9000 from <br /> $26,000 to $35,009. Mark commented that Human services does so much for so many on so little, <br /> that it was an easy decision to approve a $9000 increase. <br /> E. Budget Deport—Charles Gasior, <br /> Charles Gasior reported that Joyce Mason has provided the committee members with a first draft <br /> of the warrant booklet, still subject to review by the Board of Selectmen, and suggested that the <br /> committee read through the articles in preparation for discussion and final vote of each article. <br /> 2 <br />