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PI( <br /> i <br /> (Bos Liaison Report, ont'd <br /> Mashpee TV. IIIb. Richardson reported on a new BOS-sponsored Mashpee TV series titled <br /> "There's Something about Mashpee". selectmen Carol Sherman, Wayne Taylor and Mike <br /> Richardson are working on the first episode that will focus on the need for greater participation by <br /> Mashpee residents in the two annual Town Meetings. <br /> Military/Civilian Community Counsel Meeting. Mike Richardson reported on a current study <br /> between the rn11itary and the private sector ori unmanned drones. There is a 1-thru- list of many <br /> different sizes, shapes and weights of drones that are being tested in five different parts of the <br /> SA. <br /> Transfer Requests— None. <br /> • Review of Town Manager's Budget <br /> Chairman Mark Da ini outlined the review process for the Committee, stating that each Category <br /> of Expense rine item under the FY 2015 Appropriations in the Town Manager Is Budget would be <br /> either recommended for Finance Committee approval, or placed on HOLD for further evaluation. <br /> Chris Avis raised the question of what the effect of the Town Manager's proposed $52,527,300 <br /> budget for 201. would be on the property owners' tax rate. Joyce Mason stated that there are too <br /> many variables involved that make it impossible to determine next year tax rate, including the fact <br /> that Mashpee is undergoing a property revaluation this year. Chris Avis stated his agreement that <br /> Joyce Mason and her financial team are very well versed in keeping the budget within a 2%% <br /> increase for the year. Marls laini suggested that at the end of the budget process , if/when the <br /> $52,527,300 is approved, and all the numbers are in, we can say that it will cost the taxpayer $50 <br /> more in 2015. If the numbers come in and they are out of whack, and the tax increase turns out to <br /> be much higher, thea the Town Manager and the Finance Committee will reserve the right to revisit <br /> the budget for review and possible adjustment. Charles Gasior stated that he expected to have <br /> available for the joint S FinCom meeting an assuming tax rate from Assessing Director Mason <br /> Streebel. <br /> A. General Government: Town Manager's recommended total budget: $2,399,285. By a vote <br /> of 7-0 the committee recommended approval of the budget with the exception of the Town <br /> Clerk/Elections requested budget of$216, 362 that was placed on MOLD. <br /> B. Maintenance of Public Property: Torn Manager's recommended total budget: $5,106,329. <br /> By a vote of 7-0 the committee recommended approval of the budget with the exception of two <br /> HOLDS: Transfer/Recycling ecycling requested budget of$901,300, and Street Lighting requested budget <br /> f$ 363900. <br /> George Schmidt made a motion that the Finance Committee change the Transfer Station budget <br /> request to account for the Town taking over the transfer station. Mark Davini asked for a second to <br /> the motion. As there was no second to the motion, the motion was denied <br /> C. Land and Property Development: Town Manager's recommended mended total budget: $467,763. <br /> By a vote of -o.the committee recommended approval of the recommended budget of$467,763. <br /> D. Public Safety: Torn Manager's recommended total budget: $7,523,698. Theresa Cook made <br /> a motion that the Finance Committee recommend approval of the Town Manager's $7,523,698 <br /> recommended budget. Oskar Klenert seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote <br /> of 7-0. <br /> A <br /> 2 <br />