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i <br /> �M <br /> Article 'I o. Second paragraph, fourth sentence was changed to insert the words: "Because <br /> truck of this type is neededk. <br /> Article 13: second paragraph, first sentence was changed to read: JLIM shpee is technicafly <br /> in violation". <br /> Article 15: First paragraph, line 6, the word had was harng d to have. <br /> Articles 16 thru 22: Under Background: paragraph 2, sentence 1, change the words iiwhich <br /> involved a signature of to vhi h involved the gathering f". Sentence 3 waschanged t <br /> incorporate the following: "After 18 months of meetings and hearings, the proposed Chanter..." <br /> Artl lets 21, 22123: "Vote: 6-0" changed t :„ Vote: 6-0: in favor Avis, Cook, DelP nte, <br /> G slur, Klenert, Schmidt; Murphy absent). <br /> George'Schmidt made al motion that the Finance Committee approve the above charges made t <br /> the 2014 Torn Meeting Warrant Articles. T rn Murphy seconded the motion. Roll Call Acte: <br /> Avis,ye t DelP nte# yes; G si r, yes; Murphy, yes; Cook, }res. The motion was approved (5-0). <br /> *Transfer Requests - None. <br /> * Liaison Reports.—rts.— Bene. <br /> * s Liaison Report— None. <br /> ADDITIONAL TOPICS <br /> ' Charles Gasl r announced that the Board of Selectmen had voted 4 to 1 in favor of approving the <br /> Pali Per Throw-transfer station program} to begin July 1, 2015. <br /> * Charles G sior attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the 6000 soler panel park held at the <br /> Transfer Station this past week and stated that the solar panels will provide % of the Town's <br /> electricity needs. <br /> Theresa Cook reported that the School Committee had voted in favor of an across--the-board <br /> 2,5% salary increase for the School Administration staff. <br /> * George Schmidt reported that Santuit once again covered with algae. <br /> NEXT FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> * The net meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 20, 2014, 6:36 PM at the I lashpee High <br /> School, prior to the Town Meeting. Enact location of the high school meeting is to be determined. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> As there was no further business, George Schmidt made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. <br /> David DelPonte seconded the motion. moll Call Vote: George Schmidt, Yes, David DelP nte, <br /> yes; Charles Gasior, yes; Theresa Cook, }res; Torr_Murphy, yes. The motion was unanimously <br /> approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ina G. sI b hm <br /> F eoordin . e ret r r <br /> 2 <br />