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SOUTH E BEACH <br /> 2/13/95 <br /> PAGE 2 <br /> Kirsner addressed the following issues <br /> 1. The plan rakes reference to the WBNERR Five Year Management <br /> Plan. M. Kirsner would like to ask that a copy of the Five Year <br /> Plan be submitted to the advisory committee to be distributed to <br /> all members , <br /> Nick vontalides responded that whatever draft status report was <br /> available would be forwarded to the corunittee. The final plan was <br /> not yet completed. <br /> hm, Kirsner stated that one of the issues which was addressed <br /> by DEM in their draft management plan was the fact that there <br /> had been the improper use of over-sand vehicles which has <br /> caused damage to the terrain, etc. The report stated that <br /> 11management strategies must be implemented to more strictly pro- <br /> hibit the use of these vehicles within restricted areas. " <br /> Mr. Kirsner had a problem with that blank statement, The com- <br /> mittee well laws the problems of over-sand vehicles. We have <br /> worked together with Christine Gault to try to prevent this <br /> .unproper use of over--sand vehicles. Fortunately, through the <br /> cooperation of Christine and the committee there have been some <br /> excellent volunteers who have cooperated and have helped to re- <br /> lieve the problem. But the problem still exists* lir. Kirsner <br /> would life DEM to give serious consideration to what specific <br /> plans they intend to implement . How do you plan to implement <br /> management plans which will be more effective than 'those which <br /> exist at the present time? <br /> Sandi Wolchansky responded that there were certain features in <br /> the design of the new facility where there is no vehicular ac- <br /> cess to the new facility through the McGregor Road access way. <br /> The only vehicles that will be allowed to access that beach will <br /> be by use of a key provided to the town for Police and Fire -Depts. <br /> The only vehicles that will be allowed to access that date will <br /> be town staff for maintenance purposes. There will also be <br /> physical barriers to restrict the access as well. <br /> . According to the draft management plan, "The e beach will be ac- <br /> cessible at certain times, not during the summer season, to dogs <br /> and horses. " <br /> Iashpee has aBy-law that prohibits clods on beaches . The Bir-law <br /> #54-7 states ,, "No dogs shall be brought upon any of said public <br /> beaches, nor permitted thereon. " <br /> r . Kirsner suggested that that phrase of the management plan be <br /> amended. <br />