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i <br /> { <br /> w <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> SOUTH CAPE BEACH STATE PARK ADVISORY COMMI TEE <br /> Meeting of Tuesday, October 26, 2005 <br /> Members Present: Members Absent: Also Present: <br /> Jack Cramer Jeralyn Smith Joe Souza, Park supervisor <br /> Frank Connelly Robert Lancaster <br /> Mike Dardeiro <br /> Bill Martiros <br /> Lance Lambros <br /> i Carey Murphy 4 <br /> Gus Frederick <br /> Chairman Jack Cramer called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. <br /> REVIEW OFAINUTES. The committee unanimously approved as written the minutes from the <br /> meeting of 6107/05. <br /> Jack Cramer reminded the committee members who had not yet signed the 2605 Appointment <br /> Boob at the Town Clerk's office, to do so at their earliest convenience. This is a requirement of all <br /> individuals who are appointed to Town corn rn ittees and boards for the corning year. <br /> MEMORIAL ROCK AND COMMEMORATIVE BRONZE PLAQUE <br /> Jack Cramer reported that the memorial rock has been selected. Jack distributed photos of the <br /> rock. Jack has been in contact with Priscilla Geigas and has ordered a bronzed plaque to b <br /> placed on the rock, which will take eight weeks. Names of the founding directors of the state <br /> Park x.A.ill be.engraved on the plaque, plus the names'of the on missioner s of Environmental <br /> Management, and the nerves of the Ma hpee Board of Selectmen who were in office during the <br /> time the South Cape Beach Mate Park was created. Jack stated that he is in hopes to have a <br /> mild day in early December for placement of the memorial rock. Joe Souza and Christine Gault, <br /> among others, will be present at the time of the placement of the memorial rock. <br /> Bill Martiros made a motion to approve the acquisition of a suitable rock, and placement of an <br /> engraved bronze plaque on the rock, to be placed at the South cape Beach Mate Park. Frank � <br /> Connelly seconded the motion. The committee unanimously approved the motion. <br /> FOCUS of THE SOUTH CAPE BEACH STATE PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> At the meeting of this committee held on to o , it was agreed that the committee member <br /> would think about projects they should focus on, going forward. <br /> Jack Cramer stated that fresh water for showers should be made available and should be a <br /> pdorit 'itern on the project list. Gus Frederick felt that there should be a temporary building on <br /> site for showers and restrooms. Jack Cramer stated.that life guards are crucial for the beach. <br /> Money has been available in the past. But, there has been no lifeguard funding for the past three <br /> seasons. <br /> i <br /> Bill Martiros stated that a-letter should be sent to the State, outlining the promises that were made <br /> at the time the Mate Park was handed over to the Town. The letter should include a prioritized <br /> list of the things that are needed, the expectations of this commiftee going forward, and a request <br /> for a meeting with the Mate to determine what they will do to follow through on their earlier <br /> promises. <br />