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REVIEWIDISCUSSION of NEWSPAPER ARTICLES SINCE 70124106 MEETING. <br /> The Committee members had ho newspaper articles on Wampanoag tribal'activity t6present since the <br /> last meeting in October. It was felt that since the official tribal recognition occurred In March: 2007, the <br /> activity of the Warnpanoag Tribal Council'has bben concentrated ar6und a tabli hmen't of.a casino in the <br /> torn of Middleboro. .fed Smith agreed to cbnct John Cahalane to get an update on any current <br /> negotiation activity between the Town and the Tribal'Council. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> 1. Allan Morris reported that the granite store with the plaque at the State Park had been damaged by a <br /> truck which backed into it. <br /> 2. Allen also stated than a beach on the xray to the overlook had been demolished. Allanp lans to have <br /> the beach removed. <br /> . The ovedook deck has many rated pan' is oh the rail area. Allan has a work order in to have thi <br /> repaired. <br /> . The stone base on the boardwalk path to the overlook is covered with sand, making it very difficult for <br /> a wheelchair to maneuver the path to the overlook. Allan stated that he will look into having the sand <br /> removed. <br /> . Allan Mated that there are funding shortfalls for manpower, and.he plans to develop relationships with <br /> corporate and/or nonprofit volunteer organizations,to assist with maintenance projects at the Mate Park' <br /> Allan noted that the parking lot needs to be graded, for public safety reasons. <br /> . Carey Murphy welcomed Allan'Mords'aboard: and voiced the Committe' e's appreciation far all of <br /> Allan's efforts on behalf of the State Park beach: <br /> . Bob Lancaster suggested that Allan might want to check with the I a hp a Conservation Commission <br /> when clearing-any trees from the beach or parking-.lot area. ; <br /> NEXT T MEETING <br /> Carey M urphy suggested that the Comm might want to have its next meeting,at the Mate Park Beach <br /> later this summer. The Committee seemed to be In favor of this Idea. The date and place of the net <br /> meeting isTBID. <br /> As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45'ONS. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Inas G. Schlo o rn <br /> Recording S cretary <br /> y <br /> Y <br />