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4 <br /> TOWN OF M <br /> SOUTH, CAPE BEACH STATE PARK ADVISO 1-Y COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes of the Meeting of Tuesday, sept � 2007 <br /> M ern ers POesent: Members Absent: Also Pent, <br /> Jeralyn Smith, Chairman William Ml artiros Rebecca Hamlin <br /> Gus f`re edck Michael Cardeiro ffor M ep.Jeff Perry) <br /> Lance Lambros Robert Lancast& Allan,Morris,WBNERR <br /> Ben Lof hie F Frank Connelty Brendan Anheft,'W13NERR <br /> Carey Murphy <br /> Chairman Jeralyn Smith called the meeting to order at :1 o PM. <br /> REVIEW OP MINUTM. . <br /> The minutes from the rneeting.held on Tuesday, August , o were unanimously approved by <br /> the Cb Mittee. Attachment B address list was updated by Brendan Arnett, for our records.. <br /> DISCUSSIONS of 8130107 TRIP To STATE PARK BEACH <br /> 1. The Ramp for the Handio poed <br /> er l n Sm h st ted.that it was observed ved by q11 present that there are boards that have core <br /> loose from the ramp and are now on the beach. The concern is that the ler aMnin pari f the <br /> ramp is unsafe and presents a safety hazard.-Allan SIM mr s feels'that the ramp is not reparable; <br /> parts.of the structure are rotting, and he is recommending that a planner and n'engineer be <br /> obtained to put together a de'moritMon plan and a new overlook structure. This would be a cap al <br /> expenditure, and there-i a process to follow,which is to request that the District Manager have <br /> the work acme. } <br /> 1. Buoys. <br /> Jeralyn Smith stated that in years past, the Ha' rbor Master installed all the buoys along the South <br /> Cape Beach t & -1-ud�ng a buoys for the South Cape Beach State Park. This year,Allan M orrfs <br /> stated that he per son'arlly had to insWIl two buoys for the Mate Perk Beach. one did not bold, so <br /> that there was only one buoy In plat for the season. For next year, this.Com' rnfttee'w 'request <br /> that the Town put up the buoys for the entire stretch of the South Cape Beach including the State <br /> Park Beach. <br /> LIfe Guards/Gate Staffing for tie State Park Beach <br /> Allan Mords stated that this year the Regional Office did not recruit any life guards and a <br /> result, none were.available for the Mate Park Beach. Allan stated that t ie Mate has a p.robk3m <br /> recruifiN for the State Park, because applicants would.r the' at hotels or the Town for <br /> higher enrage . Allan stated that the Re4idnal Director for Southeast MA. had rUn ars idea by the <br /> District Manager to set up an lifeguard training program to work specifically at <br /> the State Park Beach facility. This idea will be.pur ded for next year. r <br /> The gate staff~level was low this year. Funding for the staff started in late June, therefore here <br /> was a short period during the season when.staff.was available. The gate was staffed only Born <br /> �' <br /> July 1 -until 1-0.days prior to Labor Day.. Again, flow wages hindered the ability to recruit <br /> adequate staff. <br /> . Parting Lot Repair/Future Maintenance Suggeatidn <br /> Allan Morris stated th t repair of the parking lot would have-to be dome off-season. He Mated that <br /> fonds for the repair would need to 'come from the Agency Support Services. Brendan Annett <br /> stated that the mechanism for receiving funds was for his office to put in- a pay order request to <br /> the Agency, and that it}would need to be a large pay order for the job. <br />