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3 <br /> + <br /> Lance-Lam ros Wlf-e -rail=to Brendan Annett a con ct-'for doing the repair b at a reasonable <br /> j <br /> rate. Allan Morris stated that he has had good success in using state Correction inmates for <br /> work project. Lance L rn ros suggested"that medborpwould'-be another source of manpower <br /> to tap into. Allan Mords stated that he would Bice to have a nucleus of volunteer power that <br /> would-Inctudia pturnbers and--marfne m cbanics. Lance Cann ros stated-1hat the bassi r"fime <br /> students are do com unity service, and would be a good source for volunt er <br /> recruiting. <br /> Altan Norrie sug e-sted.that this CornMiftee pUt Th reques`tst.6 WBNERR for more staff-at the <br /> State Park. The Committee would t.hen be armed with the requests and could take thea to Brian <br /> Sha an n, Regional director of ate Parks. <br /> Jeri.Smith inquired about the absence of Park' anger this summer. 'Brendan Annett stated-that <br /> there was a carps of volunteer's,two of whprn'had covered the entire length of the beach as'well <br /> as.Washburn Island, every-day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. <br /> LoERG MACH L1 <br /> The Committee members discussed the issue of the correct acreage number for the south Cape <br /> Beacon. The park acreage itself is 432 acres, IfWaquoit Estuary was Mciuded,,the acreage <br /> would be 532. Brendan nnett stated.that.he could provide theom' mitte'e th the actual <br /> acreage-for the state Park. After further di cOssion,the Coimitee decided to use the figure o <br /> 532 acres, and to send the letter to all the Mate senators and reprresentatives, Lance Lambros <br /> commented that the political reality of the situation is that probably.none of the Mate reps- oul` <br /> stand up for the Mate Park against the W.ampanoag`b'ribe's, but this Commiftee <br /> would have fulfilled its responsibility. . <br /> Ben Lof h e made a motion that the tetter drafted by J ri smith be sent out to the revised address <br /> list. Carey Murphy seconded the motion. All approved. <br /> Ben L*Ne made a motion that the letter be seat to all'lti A. Mate representatives and senators. <br /> Carey Murphy seconded the motion. Air approved. <br /> The next is TBD. <br /> As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at :1 o Pull. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> i <br /> Ina G. Sc A ohm <br /> Recording Secretary <br /> i - <br />