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r <br /> HUNTING IN THE PARD( <br /> Jeralyn Smith stated that Allain Morris orris hard submitted a report dated 5!09108 indicating <br /> that there had been no hunting issues or accidents reported during the past year, and <br /> that there had been no complaints received. Frank Connelly stated that the Falmouth <br /> Rod and Gun Club members use the park each year for hunting, and that they are well <br /> organized and are very responsible. The No Hunting areas are well posted. There are <br /> many people who use the Park, and there is a comfortable co-existence among the <br /> varying groups who avail themselves of the use of the Park. Jeri Smith stated that her <br /> position has always been that the Park should be available for use by as many people <br /> as possible. <br /> Bike Cardeiro made a motion to continue the hunting privileges in the Park for the <br /> coring year. Frank Connelly seconded the motion. The motion cared. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> Will's Work Road. Lewis Newell asked about whose responsibility it was for the <br /> maintenance of Will's Work Road. He reported a huge pothole in the road near the end <br /> of Manitoba Road. Gus Frederick stated that the DPW II wars responsible for maintenance <br /> of the road, and would speak to Catherine Laurent tomorrow about the pothole. <br /> EXT MEETING <br /> The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, August 5, 2008, to be convened at the <br /> State Park Beach parking lot, at :00 PM- <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> T <br /> As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PSI. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ina G. Sch ohm <br /> Recording Secretary <br />