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Mash pee Planning Board <br /> Minutes ofMeeting <br /> February 1 , 014'at :00 pm. <br /> waquoit Meeting Room 1riashpee Town HaXI <br /> Planning Board Member Present: Chairman George Petersen, Mary Wary, Dennis Balzarini, <br /> David Kharin, Joe Cummings <br /> Also Present: Worn Fudla-Town Planner, Charles Joey-Consults Engineer <br /> Absent: Joe Mullin <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The Town of M shpee Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum in the +vaquoit Meeting <br /> Room t e Town Hall bar C Petersen at 7: o p.m. on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 <br /> and the Pledge of Allegiance was rested. <br /> APPROVAL of TES—February 5,2014 <br /> MOTION: Mr. B rwi made a motion to approve the minutes of February. 'h, as written. <br /> Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> PUBLIC BARING <br /> 7: Applicant: Federal National Mortgage Amweiation c/o Cotmit Solar LL <br /> Location: 36 Savanna's Path Trinity Place <br /> Request: Approval of 14ot derinitive subdivision plain and road designs <br /> Chairman Petersen opened the public hearing and read the request for the record. 11r chael Aucoin, <br /> representing the applicant, referenced a drainage calculation which h 'had resolved with llrlr. <br /> Rowley. Mr. Aucoin distributed updated plans, with minor changes, to members of the Board. Mr. <br /> Aucoin summadzed the changes that were made to plans-to include a title block and updated tie line <br /> ending at Trinity's Place and winning of Savanna's Patk though Mr. Aucoin indicated that he had <br /> been asked by Mr. Rowley to add a note to the plan muldng"end of Trinity P th begin o <br /> Savanna's Path." Mr. Aucoin stated that a note was added that the approval was for'Trinity Place <br /> only, and work on Savanna's Path would require an additional approval. The gate has been shown <br /> on the site plan at the.appropriate location. Mr. Fudal.a confirmed that afinal set of construction <br /> drawings was needed, but fir. Aucoin stated that there were no changes from the last submittal- <br /> Mr. Bal .a rini inquired about the radius of the turn around and Mr. Rowley responded that it was <br /> deteffnined to be unnecessary since it would eater into the parking area. Mr. Rowley vley indicated that <br /> there would be _ - r appeal mid before signing the plan and amended some notes to be <br /> added to the plan, but nothing that would delay a vote. There was discussion about the ante <br /> regarding approval limited to the layout for Trinity Place and Savanna's Path. Mr. Fud la stag <br /> that there was no construction approved for Savanna's Path. The note was changed to clarify the <br /> approval. <br /> MOTION: Ms.Waygan made a motion to approve the Definitive Subdivision Plan for <br /> Savanna's Path and Trinity Place dated February 2,2014,revised February 15, 2014 as <br /> amended, so that under-the note the words"layout" and "and"be stra from the first <br /> sentence and that two labels be added to the plan where Trinity Place ends and where <br /> Savanna's Path ends,. Mr. Bal arini seconded the motion* All voted unanimously. <br /> l <br />