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f <br /> MOTION: Ms. Waygan made a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Bal arini seconded <br /> the notion. All voted unanimously. <br /> 7:10 Applicant: DCDM,LLC <br /> Location: on and between Blue Castle give and Degrass Road, identified on the <br /> Almhpee Assessors Maps as Map 104,Blocks 14,20 and 4 <br /> Request: Approval of a Special Permit for a 16 lot cluster subdivision <br /> 7:10 Applicant: BC DM,LLC <br /> Location: on and between Blue Castle Drive and Degrass Road, identified on the <br /> Mashpee Assmors Maps as Map 104,Blocks 14,20 and 48 <br /> Request: Approve 1&lot cluster.subdiv ion Def"rnitive Subdivision Plan <br /> The appointed time having arrived,, Chairman Petersen opened both public hearings and read for the <br /> record the applicant's request. Matt Costa of Costa Associates represented the applicant in the now <br /> 1 -lot subdivision, along with Attorney Brian Nall, Gary James, who conducted the water quality <br /> study, distributed copies of the final report. Mr. James stated that the report had been modified <br /> based on the recommendations of the adopted conservation measures associated with the lawn area, <br /> which included the reduction of overall loading of 2.1 mL, and Mr. James stated that they would be <br /> almost matching the current standards of the groundwater. Referencing the NEP requirements, Mr. <br /> James stated that 100%was being sought which could only be accomplished through sewering. fir. <br /> James stated that it would be 20 years before the fall impacts of the development would be felt <br /> within the bits of ockwa r Day, when municipal sewering should become available. <br /> Chairman Petersen inquired whether the Board of Health had reviewed the water quality report and <br /> Mr- FucWa responded that he did not believe they received a copy. Mr. Fudala stated that the Board <br /> of Health commented on the storm water drainage facilities with no issues. Mr. Fudala inquired <br /> about the reduction and Mr. James responded that it was 0 reduction. Mr. James questioned how <br /> it would be possible to overcome the NIEP requirement with the development. Mr. FucWa <br /> responded that the paw four subdivisions had been required to install on site de-rite septic systems <br /> and Mr. James responded that de-nites could eliminate appro3dmely o°/o of the remaining load. <br /> Mr. Fudala indicated that the area was not a high priority for a sewer system. Mr. Costa stated that <br /> the applicant chose,to pursue lawn mitigation, which went above and beyond what was typically <br /> seen for a lawn.scenario, and would place as long as the homes were in existence. <br /> permanent lasting change was made and IIr1r. Costa suggested that installation of a de-nitrifying <br /> system may preclude the development from being added to a future sewer line, which would in turn <br /> hurt the town in the long run due to the savings of a septic system. Mr. Pudafa pointed out that lawn <br /> mitigations reduced nitrogen by %, leaving 70°0, o°/ of which could be addressed by de- <br /> nitrifying systems. Ms. Waygan inquired whether they would be individual systems and fir. Fudala <br /> con irnned that they would. Mr. Costa added that there were management issues associated with the <br /> units due to heavy requirements and requiring people to comply in order for the systerns to be <br /> e ct i e. <br /> Mr. wall reported that changes were made to the development's covenants to include the deletion <br /> of the requirement for underground sprinklers, amendment of the grass length to a minimum o " <br /> and the addition of a limited membership category to the association along with voting privileges. <br /> Regarding the affordable housing bylaw, one lot would be set aside and deed restricted as 40B, <br /> allowing the developer to donate the lot to the Town or approved agency. Mr. Wall stated that the <br />