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3/19/2014 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
3/19/2014 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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could not offer paving. Mr. Costa submitted photographs to include existing landscaping <br /> features and the existing traveled way. Mr. Costa submitted an additional conceptual design <br /> indicating that the gravel way could be improved and that drainage could be added to the layout, <br /> and shoring that option I of the draft decision could also work. Mr. Costa also noted the <br /> possibility of adding pavement around the catch basins and expected the natural grades would <br /> work without major changes-to the grading. lir. Costa requested that it be made a condition for <br /> approval with the engineering details worked out with lir_ Rowley. <br /> Mr. Bal acini inquired whether the drainage systems would address the runoff~from Great Neck <br /> Road South. Mr. Costa indicated that a rolled be i would be proposed to prevent runoff'-from <br /> Great Neck South, but that their drainage would handle runoff from the apron, which <br /> part of the plan. Mr. Costa pointed out.that 20 feet of pavement could fit if the road were paved <br /> in the future. llrlr. Costa added that the drainage would likely need to be submr%ce, but that <br /> more details would need to be worked out with Mr. Rowley, though it was unlikely there would <br /> be sufficient space for a typical sle. lir. Balani expressed concern about the amount of silt <br /> that may enter the system and Mr. Costa-responded that there would be a stone apron preceding <br /> the paved area to create a natural slow down for the silt. It would also be part of the maintenance <br /> program in the covenant. 1r. Rowley indicated that, as seen, he was not prepared to state that it <br /> would be adequate and noted that there were other considerations, such as runoff'from a slope on <br /> the west end, and the crown that woWd'be placed on the road. lir.Rowley indicated that further <br /> information was needed. Mr. Rowley pointed out that the driveway for#8 would need to be <br /> extended to the new location- Mr. Costa responded that option 1 should be kept as a condition in <br /> the decision because the gravel road made sense when considering the centerline and expressed <br /> concern about significant-existing landscaping. Mr. Costa indicated that this was there 12" <br /> hearing and they wi shed to have the issue finalized. <br /> Mr. Balzarini referenced plan I with no catch basin and Mr. Costa responded that it would be a <br /> paged spillway, adding that he submitted concepts and not plans, with.rough calculations. Mr. <br /> Costa indicated that he would submit more detailed plans to lir. Rowley but was attempting to <br /> lock down the concepts and condition language, <br /> Ms. waygan referenced#9 condition allowing Mr. Rowley to report to the Board and read the <br /> condition. 11r. Fudala pointed out that the width was changed from 12 feet to 16 feet. Mr. <br /> Bal acini inquired about the fic: tions of accepting the design but having it fail in two gears, <br /> and suggested setting aside funds in escrow. Mr.Fudala referenced the potential for a Blue <br /> Castle vacant lot owner wishing to acquire a building pelt who could be required to build <br /> road within the layout, and the challenges created should this project remain in the current <br /> traveled ivy. Mr. Fudala recommended that work be completed within the layout, regardless of <br /> paving, as it would set up the potential for future completion of the road. lair. Costa stated that <br /> the property owner of#8 could grant an easement for any firture improvement of the road. <br /> Chairman Petersen.inquired about the fixture should Blue Castle become a town road, if it was <br /> not placed within the proper layout. Mr. Rowley expressed his opinion that-the Town could <br /> accept an easement for the location of the road where it existed. 1r. wall agreed and in <br /> reference to Mr. al arini' concern, highlighted the association's maintenance obligation. 11r. <br /> Balzarini reiterated his concern about the effectiveness of the drainage which could be <br /> determined to be urnurelted to the road maintenance at a future date_ Mr. Fudala suggested that <br />
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