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3/19/2014 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
3/19/2014 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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A recess was taken at 810 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 8:25 p.m. <br /> DEFINITIVE SU DMSI N PLAT <br /> Applicant: Federal rational Mortgage Association co Cotuit Solar LLC <br /> Location: 3 ,Savanna's Path Trinity Place <br /> Request: Signature of I-tot derunitive subdivision plan <br /> The Chair read the request. NEchael Auc in, repnmentmg the applicant, distributed plans to the <br /> members of the Board. Mr. Fudala inquired about the covenant but fir. Aucoin indicated that it <br /> still required a signature from the Town Clerk. It was noted that a revised date of March 1 Lb <br /> was needed for the plan. Additionally, Mr. Fudala pointed out that the notation for end of Trinity <br /> Place layout/beginning of Savanna's Path layout had not been notated on the plan. Mr. Auc in <br /> will make the notation in pen. The subdivision plans were signed by Planning Board members. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Proposed Withdrawal from Cape Cod Commission-Selectman O'Hara reported that <br /> he initiated the petition due to the mitigation imposed upon Bridges ofllashpee by the Cape Cod <br /> Commission. Selectman O'Hara specifically referenced the affordable housing mitigation which <br /> totaled $1.8 miIkota for the -bed memory care facility, at a time when there was significant <br /> need for the services on Cape Cod. Selectman O'Hara stated that the 10i°/o formula had been <br /> established for homes and should not have been used for the facility. selectman O'Hara added <br /> that the facility would introduce 3 5 new jobs with benefits to the area with very low impact to <br /> the envirorunent. Selectman O'Mara explained that, to fill the Mitigation, 6 beds in the facility <br /> would be based upon 750/o-85%poverty level income, totaling $2,250 per month per unit. <br /> Typical base units ranged in a monNy cost of$6300-$7500. The reduced beds would be in <br /> place for 5 years. Selectman O'Hara indicated that he was concerned about causing harm to <br /> developers but applauded services that have been offered by the Commission. Selectman <br /> O'Hara noted that Mashpee paid dues to the the amount of$188,000 and <br /> recommended giving the voters the opporumrty to decide. Selectman O'Hara also referenced the <br /> traffic mitigation in the amount o $108,000 and historic contribution of$22,500. There was <br /> discussion about growth and the need for jobs on the Cape. <br /> Paul Nied wiecki of the Cape Cod Commission indicated that the affordable housing provisions <br /> of the Regional Policy Plan were established five years ago and agreed that they should be <br /> adjusted. Mr. 1Tiii also stated that a town vote to eliminate the Cape Cod Commission <br /> was the wrong avenue to address the issues. The Cape Cod Commission Act was adopted in <br /> 1990 by county-wide-vote, protected by a statute. Mr. l ied wiecki stated that the Board of <br /> Selectmen appointed a member to the Cape Cod Commission and each town also elected a <br /> member to the County of.Assembly of Delegates, bath of which serve as a platform for <br /> suggesting changes. Additionally, the regional Policy Plan was clue for an outside review and <br /> recommended changes. Mr. Niedwi cki suggested the possibility of engaging in a process to <br /> make changes with certainty in a short period of time, rather than extending the debate through <br /> citizen's initiative petition. Also, the petition would not provide the financial information that <br /> the voters would need to make an informed decision, as the costs of local government would <br /> increase. Mr. Med.zwiecki summarized recent collaborative work with Cape towns, providing <br /> resources in order to complete important-projects, including the raising of thresholds so that <br /> some projects would remain within the town- Mr.Hied wiecki also referenced addressing <br />
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