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Chairman Petersen read for the mord Mr. Virgilio"s letter(7 Blue Castle) regarding his <br /> preference that the road be located in its proper layout and disagreement with the gravel <br /> construction and the need for pavement to better control drainage. <br /> Linda Lubelczyk bf'Tracy Lane recommended that the Board maintain tmffic mitigation for the <br /> radar sign as the development would be adding additional traffic to the neighborhood. <br /> Additionally,Ms_ Lubeiczyk expressed concern regarding the potential for drainage to fill up. <br /> Nis. Lubelcyl added.that she understood than the radar sign would not be used exclusively for <br /> the neighborhood but hoped that it would help to slow people down when cutting through the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Eric Lubrano, Blue Castle Drive, expressed his preference that the road be laid out in its proper <br /> location to alleviate future questions and liability. <br /> Peter Michaelson, Degrass Road, inquired about pavement.of the new road and it was confirmed <br /> that there would be paving in front of the development. Mr. l hchaelson inquired whether a cost <br /> could be proposed to the neighborhood to complete the paving of the road., since the equipment <br /> would be in the neighborhood. Mr. Michaelson has had experience developing subdivisions and <br /> suggested that the developer had not made his best effort to provide an easily approved plan for <br /> this subdivision. The Chair pointed out that the Town would gain from the cluster subdivision <br /> through open-space and affordable housing. The Chair added that the increased width of the <br /> road, the improvements and the association would nuke Blue Castle-more viable. <br /> Mr. Rowley referenced the 18 foot width and 16 f o ire Department clearance requirement and <br /> Nin. Costa confirmed that it would be 18 feet at Great Imo.Road to the catch basins, tapering <br /> back to 16 feet. Mr. Rowley recommended the possibility of 18 feet being extended beyond the <br /> catch basins and recommended the need for a final profile and cross sections. <br /> Mr. I ooharian inquired whether a cost could be provided to residents for the pavement of the <br /> road. Mr. Costa suggested an estimate of approximately $400 per linear foot for road <br /> construction, based on his past experience. Mr. Koohafim suggested that there could be cast <br /> p <br /> savings if avers were already in the neighborhood, as well a in the long-run for road <br /> maintenance. Mr. Fudala added that the owner of a vacant lot on th6 street had also expressed <br /> intent in contributing towards the pavement of the road. <br /> Mr. Lubrano asked for clarification of the road widths and 11r. Costa confirmed that it would be <br /> 18 feet thea 16 feet and 20 feet for the paved areas with a 2 foot clearing on each side. <br /> Chairman Petersen confirmed wording changes in the decision. Regarding traffic mitigation, <br /> Planning Board members expressed their interest in maintaining the $3,000 mitigation for the <br /> purpose of purchasing the traffic radar. Mr. Costa provided a letter of extension for the <br /> subdivision plan for an additional 60 days. <br /> MOTION Mr. Balzarini made a motion to continue both public hearings to April 2 at <br /> 7:20 p.m. Ms. waygan seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />