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6/4/2014 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/4/2014 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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statements signed by 13 residents who requested that the strut name not be changed. Itwas- <br /> confirmed that there were 7 homes located on the street. <br /> Mr. BaLzarini suggested that it was a good idea to flag the streets m question with the 311 system <br /> and inquired about associated costs. Fire Chief l ullo indicated that research would be-necessary <br /> to determine whether there was a capability to flag ceawn streets and any associated costs. Mr. <br /> Mayo recommended a continuance to the second Planning board meeting in August, in order t <br /> further research the suggestion as well as to allows Sandalwood further discussion at their Annual <br /> Meeting. Nor. Mayo also suggested that the technology may not be available to flag the streets <br /> since it was a complex software package. Ms. waygan suggested the possibility of attaching <br /> comments to the street name. Mr. Kooharian expressed interest-in bowing the effectiveness if <br /> the technology was discovered to have been used elsewhere. <br /> Chairman Petersen referenced question#6 regarding rdin concerns about the name change transition <br /> time and suggested that a future date identified for the actual change would allow a smoother <br /> transition. Mr. Mayo responded that the issue had been discussed at the May 13thmeeting and <br /> confirmed that research had been completed regarding the issue. Clay Nicholson,the 311 <br /> Coordinator, contacted Tom Worn to learn that a change could be confirmed within one day and <br /> would be available with the next map update, which would wary among companies. Mr. Mayo <br /> noted that 311 Coordinators were given priority for name changes as they were legitimate <br /> official requests, warranting an immediate change. <br /> Regarding the possibility of flagging questionable in the software, fr. Clark expressed <br /> disbelief that additional information could not be added to a street name. Additionally, Mr. <br /> Clark noted that the Fire Department used paper maps instead f GPS and expressed concern <br /> about updating the paper resources and the possibility of increased risk. 11r. dark felt that <br /> small problem was being made into a larger problem.. Mr. Kooharian inquired about the time <br /> needed for emergency services to be aware of a street name change. Chief Ru l to responded that <br /> it would be immediate and dw the map books would be updated immediately. Chief Rullo <br /> added that surrounding towns were also notified of changes and that the system had proven to <br /> work better than any other process. The Chief added that the police utif iced a computerized <br /> dispatch system. Sergeant watt Canine assured the residents that they were seeking the best <br /> possible services in Mashpee, and expressed concern regarding the cell phone calls which were <br /> routed to the State. l r. Kooharian inquired if Breather could create an unavailable system and <br /> Chief 1ullo referenced when hum ire Andrew knocked down street ss . Chief Rullo <br /> emphasized that the Fire Department utilized back-up systems including the paper maps, points <br /> of reference and G S'd hydrants, in order to loe e specific areas in torn. Mr. Mayo responded <br /> that-the hydrants were GPS'd by their location on paper maps. Additionally, Mr. Maya stated <br /> that the police Department was not using GPS to access their locations, but that they were <br /> digitally dispatched- <br /> Mr. <br /> Mayo requested that all residential concerns be shared so that the Address working Group <br /> could address them prior to the August meeting and in order to identify an amicable solution. <br /> Mr. Mayo stated that they had proposed to the Association that they devise a naming scheme for <br /> the streets in their community. Mr. Mayo emphasized that 1 fashpee first responder professionals <br /> 2 <br />
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