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12/4/2014 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
12/4/2014 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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Burton Kaplan seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> 7:20 PM —Approval for Commercial Property— 68 Echo Road. , <br /> Dan Ojala with Down Cape Engineering, representing Louis Seminara of 68 Echo Road, introduced himself t <br /> the Board. <br /> Nor. Ojala commented that this property is located at 68 Echo Road with the proposed construction of a metal <br /> building. It is a similar layout to many f the other buildings in the area. This site plan was presented at the <br /> I la hpee Site Plan Review Meeting with comments and revisions. There are floor drains that connect to an <br /> industrial tight tank, since repair work is to be per-formed on the property. The industrial waste water holding <br /> tank will drain to a tight tank with an internal secondary teak than contains an alarm system in between. The <br /> septic system is designed to be below 600 gallons per day. <br /> Kalli pe Egl ff made a motion that the Board of Health approve the Site and Septic Design Plan for 68 Echo <br /> Road with the following conditions: <br /> 1. The MDC catch basins shall be monitored yearly. An executed contract for servicing of theMDC-type <br /> catch basins shall be provided to the Board of Health prig to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> 2. Safety Data Sheets shall be dept on premise in bound notebooks for all hazardous products. The <br /> Safety Data Sheets shall be available for inspection by an agent of the Board of Health. <br /> . Hazardous materials shall be limited in volume to 200 pounds dry weight and 220 gallons of liquid <br /> storage. Hazardous waste shall be limited according to 310 CMR 30.00, Massachusetts Hazardous <br /> Waste Regulations. Storage of hazardous materials outside is prohibited. An executed contract for the <br /> removal of hazardous waste from the facility by a licensed hazardous waste removal company shall be <br /> provided to the Board of Health prig to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> . All changes in tenancy and/or use of each knit shall be approved by the Board of Health prig to the <br /> issuance of a lease or sale of each unit. <br /> . Washing hing m hine are prohibited on the property. <br /> . Operations shall not cause a "nuisance 9P r the operation will be considered a noisome trade. <br /> . A contract for the pumping of the industrial tight tank shall be provided to the Board of Health prior to <br /> the issuance of Occupancy. <br /> . The tight tans shall be sealed for grater-tightness by the manufacturer. <br /> Burton Kaplan seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> 7:25 PM —Septic Variance— 18 Great River r F a 1. <br /> Peter McEntee of Engineering Works, representing Carol Sherman of 1Great Fiver Road, introduced himself <br /> to the Board. <br /> Mr. McEntee commented that there is very little space on this property and is requesting the following <br /> variances for the purpose of a Title 5 Septic upgrade located at 13 Great Fiver Road: <br /> 1. A 7' variance from the Soil Absorption System to the front property line for a 3' setback. <br /> . A ' variance from the Soil Absorption System to the side property line for a ' setback. <br /> 3. A 6' variance from the septic tank to the front property line for a ' setback. <br /> . A 15' variance from the Soil Absorption System to the crawl space wall for a ' setback. <br /> . A 10' variance from the Soil Absorption System to the cellar gall for a 10' setback. <br /> . A 3' variance from the septic tank to the cellar gall for a ' setback. <br /> . A 9' variance from the septic tank to the water service for a 1' setback. <br /> 3. A 9' variance from the Soil Absorption System to the water service for a 1' setback . <br /> 9. A 1' variance from the septic tank to the water main (as marked)for a 9setback. <br /> 10. A 1' variance from the Soil Absorption System t6 the water ma (as rnarked for a 9'setback. <br /> 11. A 1' reduction to the required ' separation between maximum seasonal high groundwater and-the <br /> bottom of the Soil Absorption System for a ' separation. <br /> 2 <br />
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