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i <br /> I <br /> I <br /> i <br /> 12. A 48' variance from the Soil Absorption System to the vegetated wetlands for a 52' setback per local <br /> Board of Health leaching distance requirements. <br /> . <br /> Mr. McEntee started that a SludgeHammer denitrification system-and ultra-violet light disinfection unit are <br /> proposed for this property. A poly liner is also proposed between the leaching system and water rain to create <br /> a barrier. <br /> I <br /> The Board, Mr, 1cEntee, and Mr. Harrington discussed relocating the grater service to the interior of the <br /> dwelling and providing a 40 rail poly liner to the house side of the Soil Absorption System along the cellar wall <br /> -and crawl space and eliminating some of the variances to the water service. <br /> e. <br /> Mr. McEntee will amend the plan to include the poly liner and correct the variance request for the local Board <br /> of Health leaching distance requirements. <br /> Kalliope Egloff rade a motion that the Board of Health approve the Title V Design Plan for 18 Great Fiver <br /> Road as presented with Variances #1, 2, 3, 4, 51 3 9, 10, and 11, noted above, amending Variance #12 on the <br /> plan, and including the following conditions. <br /> 1. Effluent from the ultraviolet light shall be sampled quarterly for two years for total coliform. The total <br /> coliform shall not exceed Zoo colonies per 190 ml. The effluent sampling shall occur from the <br /> distribution bo . <br /> 2. An executed Operation and Maintenance Contract for the SludgeHar mer innovative alternative <br /> denitrification unit shall be submitted to the Board of Health prig to issuance of a Certification of <br /> Compliance. The operation and Maintenance Contract shall include the maintenance of the ultraviolet <br /> light. The Operation and Maintenance Contract shall be required for the life of the innovative/alternative <br /> septic system. <br /> 3. Effluent from the septic tank shall besampled/analyzed for total nitrogen on a quarterly basis for a two- <br /> year period from the distribution hoc. <br /> . After the eight required sampling events, the system may have an operation and Maintenance Contract <br /> according to the Department of Environmental Protection field testing guidelines for General Approval <br /> of Innovative/Alternative systems. <br /> 5. Relocate the water service to the interior of the property so no variances are required. <br /> . Install a 40 mil poly liner along the cellar gall and crawl space on the east side. <br /> Burton Caplan seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> 7:30 P — Septic Variance—49 Clover Lane. <br /> Peter McEntee of Engineering Works,s, representing Kimberly'Graves of 49 Clover Lane, introduced himself to <br /> the Board. <br /> Mr. McEntee stated that he is requesting-the following variances for the purpose of a Title 5 Septic Upgrade <br /> located at 49 Clover Larne: <br /> 1. A ' variance from the septic tank to the cellar wall (bulkhead) for a5' setback. <br /> 2. A 1' redu ti n to the required ' separation between maximum seasonal high groundwater and the <br /> bottom of the Soil Absorption System for a ' separation. <br /> Glen Harrington remarked that this property is only 800 feet from the water. Mr. Harrington performed some <br /> research of the groundwater on the surrounding properties, as did Mr. McEntee. Mr. Harrington agrees with Mr. <br /> McEntee on the groundwater calculations and recommends a soil evaluation at the tir-me the leaching system is <br /> installed. <br /> Calliope Egloff made a motion that the Board of Health approve the request for the Title V Design Plan for 49 <br /> Clover Lane with the two variances noted above and with the condition that a soil evaluation be performed at <br /> r <br /> c <br />