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MOTION: Mr. Batzarini made a motion to continue Southport to April 17".. Mr. Muffin <br /> seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> TOWN MFEE'TG ARTICLE <br /> -Review of Article 19- Mr. McElhinny stated that the relocation was a slight modification and <br /> that he had been in contact with Town Counsel regarding adjustments on the flog at Town <br /> Fleeting. Mr. McElhinny added that the Board of Selectmen would also be voting on the <br /> relocation on April 22, prior to'Town Meeting. lir. McElhinny indicated that he hoped to <br /> provide a full view to the Planning Board on Apn*l 1'7'h. 11r. McElhinny stated that Simmons-Road <br /> was an ancient way With public rights, but to move the road would require the Town Meeting. <br /> The new location on the property would still provide public ruts and would be paved. Mr. <br /> Fud la referenced the confusion regarding the wording of the Article that was to be submitted by <br /> the Board of Selectmen, but instead listed the Planning Board as submitting the Article. Mr. <br /> McElhinny indicated that the confusion was on the part of Southworth. <br /> 11r. Mullin referenced what he thought was an error on Article 18 regardi <br />