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r <br /> the golf course. Chairxna.n waygan invited public comment. Richard Aliberti an abutter located <br /> on the Santuit River, expressed concern with the additional condominium units and regarding the <br /> use of water for irrigation. Mr. Aliberti described a report he funded in 1995 from Horsley <br /> Witten recommending that the existing well be relocated since it was taxing the aver from 18%- <br /> 20%. Mr. Aliberti also referenced a 1991 letter from Mr. Fudala to the ITP Division of water <br /> Supply regarding permitted water withdrawal. Mr. Aliberti also shared a 2001 letter to the <br /> Secretary Officer of EnvironmentalAffairs regarding 25 million gallons -of water being diverted. <br /> Ir. Aliberti read aspects of the Massachusetts River Protection Act and noted that the Quaker <br /> Run pump was a primary source and that irrigati <br />