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Mashpee Board of Sewer Commissioners <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> November 1 ,2011 at 7 p.m. <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, Selectmen's Meeting Room <br /> 'resent: Chairman Toni Fudala, Mark Gurnee, Joe Lyons, Oskar Klenert, Jack Malarkey <br /> AIL To ORDER <br /> The meeting was called to order at :00 p.m. by Chairman Fudal a. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 1 , 2011 <br /> Mr. Gregg requested that`'Site Mashpee Commons" be changed to'--Mashpee Commons" on <br /> page 3. <br /> Mr. Gurnee made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected by Mr. Gregg. Mr. <br /> Malarkey seconded the motion. 4 yes, I abstained <br /> AGENDA UTEMS <br /> Presentation of GIFID Proposals for 3 wastewater options <br /> Mr. Gregg summarized ed that he would review the previous reaps, present a new draft map and, <br /> with the approval of the Commission, develop a revised report to forward to MEP for modeling. <br /> Mr. Gregg described option 1 A whereby Sandwich and Barnstable flow would remain outside of <br /> the watershed in them-own towns, except for a section of Barnstable which has been added to <br /> Mashpee. Mr. Gregg noted that the map included such changes as the addition of Equestrian <br /> Drive and Anthony's way as IA . Yellow areas would be collected and treated at various <br /> locations and thea recharged outside of the watershed at Rock Landing. A large section of <br /> Falmouth, vest of Moonakis River, would remain outside of the watershed while the yellow <br /> section would be treated in Mashpee and recharged outside of the watershed at Rock Landing, <br /> with any remaining balance addressed at New Seabury. Mr. Gregg Mated that the pink area <br /> around Johns Fond would be recharged at the Back Road Site,treating at Site I and recharging at <br /> Site 3. The Chair inquired about a portion of Barnstable that had been identified and Mr. Gregg <br /> responded that it was related to the sub-watershed. Mr. Gregg also referenced another piece of <br /> Barnstable located between the greens, removing it from the watershed but possibly going <br /> beyond where Mashpee needed to address the issues. <br /> Option 1 B incorporates Equestrian Drive and Anthony's way as TIAs, Sandwich remains within <br /> the Popponesset Bay watershed and a lame portion oarnstable, identified in purple, will be <br /> treated at Site 2 and recharged at willowbed. Another portion of Barnstable was incorporated <br /> in order to address issues at Quissett Cove, but the green section would go to another watershed <br /> in Barnstable. The central greenish area would be addressed at Site 4 and the yellow would be <br /> addressed and recharged at the Keeter property. Mr. Grgg noted the intent to recharge between <br /> the watersheds, but indicated a need for additional information from Don Walter to confirm the <br /> particle tracking of the recharge. Mr, Gregg stated that the volume of water could impact the <br /> direction of the recharge and confirmed that Mr_ Walter would be utilizing the new location in <br />. 1 . <br />