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For May , 2011 Annual Town Meeting <br /> Article <br /> To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or transfer $15,000 to the Sewer Commission <br /> Facilities Plan Account, and to reauthorize said account, or take any other action related <br /> thereto. <br /> Submitted by Sewer Commission <br /> Explanation: <br /> In order to fund unforeseen expenses involved in the preparation of the Town's <br /> Watershed Nitrogen Management Plan / Effluent Pipeline Preliminary Design project <br /> which are not covered by the Town's State Revolving Fund loan for the project, this <br /> article seeks to provide additional funds to the existing Facilities Plan Account approved <br /> under Article 10 at the October 1999 Annual Town Meeting, which is nearly exhausted. <br /> Approximately half of the proposed funds are intended to be used for public information <br /> efforts regarding the facilities plan, while it is anticipated that the remainder would be <br /> used to cover additional consultant expenses, as the Commission's prime consultant is <br /> operating on bid/contract prices set in 1999. <br />