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For May, 2011 Annual Town Meeting <br /> Article <br /> To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or transfer $60,000 to the Sewer Commission <br /> Facilities Plan Account to fund a contract Sewer Commission Administrator position, or <br /> take any other action related thereto. <br /> Submitted by Sewer Commission <br /> Explanation: <br /> Mashpee has a Legal obligation to address the Nitrogen pollution of the Popponesset <br /> and East Waquoit estuaries, fresh water bodies, and our drinking water aquifer. The <br /> Sewer Commission has worked for many years to make sense out of evolving legal and <br /> technical issues to prepare a recommended solution for the town. At this point in time <br /> we are prepared to assemble this recommendation for review by the town and it's <br /> citizens. We need professional help to assemble, without "Conflict of Interest", all of the <br /> technical information and engineering alternatives into a coherent plan. This plan <br /> will serve the residents of Mashpee while meeting mandated legal goals. To date much <br /> of the engineering recommendations have come from qualified companies that have a <br /> conflict of interest, since they will be bidders on any sewer work. To balance this the <br /> Sewer Commission is recommending engaging a qualified individual on a part time, <br /> contract basis, to coordinate the preparation of Mashpee's sewer plan without "Conflict <br /> of interest" from qualified bidders. <br />