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4/26/2011 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
4/26/2011 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
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s <br /> Mashpee Board of Sewer Commissioners <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> April 26, 2011 at 7 p.m. <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, Selectmen's Meeting Room <br /> Present: Chairman Toni Fudala, Joe Lyons, Tom. O'Hara, Jack Malarkey <br /> Absent: Clerk Ralph Marcelli, Oskar I lenert, Mark Gurnee <br /> FALL TO ORDER <br /> The meeting was called to order at :10 p.m. by Chairman Fudal a. <br /> AGENDA ITEMS <br /> Stefanie Coxe, Congressman Keating's District Representative Regarding Wastewater <br /> Environmental Issues <br /> Ms. Coke introduced herself as Congressman Keating"s representative, located in the Hyannis <br /> office, who deals with environmental and wastewater issues. Ms. Coxe stated that she was open <br /> and available to discuss any concerns and noted that her primary concern was regarding <br /> wastewater-issues. IVIS. Coxe indicated that the Congressman was aware that wastewater was a <br /> major issue for the Cape, both environmentally and economically. Ms. Coxe referenced the <br /> request by some,Cape towns for a review of the Massachusetts Estuary Project and TMDLs by <br /> National ational Academy of Sciences. Ms. Coxe reported that Congressman Keating's office was <br /> exploring finding options for the study, but noted that it was a challenge due to the July I i <br /> deadline and the current Congress. Congressman K ting's office has been meeting with <br /> members of the community, town officials, Cape Cod Commission, water Resource <br /> Collaborative and the EPA in order to seely questions and to find the answers. IIs. Coxe <br /> suggested that there may be some solutions that would not require hu a amounts of funding over <br /> the next 5 years and recommended.working together to move forward and identify funding <br /> sources as the Congress situation and.economy changes. IVIS. Coxe referened new legislation <br /> that may provide additional funds for wastewater projects, which will be a top priority for <br /> Congressman Keating. Ms. Coxe also referenced the benefits of i t.errnunicipal collaboration. <br /> Chairman Fu ala inquired about a massive cut to the funds slated for the SRF program and the <br /> likelihood of the funds being restored. Ms. Coxe had discussed the issue with the EPA and <br /> responded that some funds have been put aside for other uses, but she indicated that she would <br /> follow up with more detail. The Chair stated that the Mashpee Board of Selectmen had declined <br /> to participate in the review of the MEP because they were satisfied with the existing reports that. <br /> . have been used to begin planning. Ms_ Coxe responded that it was politically a Cape-wide <br /> problem. <br /> Mr. "Hasa noted that he had spoken with Congressman Keating about severing, the need for <br /> help on the Cape as well as the possibility of regionalization. Mr. O'Hara inquired whether there <br /> was continued discussion.about regionalization and Ms. Coxe responded that it was a coilcem <br /> and being discussed, clue to the expense to individual towns. Ms. Coxe referenced their efforts to <br /> facilitate discussions about regionalization and recent discussions with the Cape Cod <br /> Commission. Ms. Coxe, however, indicated that towns seemed to be focused on their own- <br /> separate <br /> wnseparate tracts. <br /> 1 - <br />
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