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4/26/2011 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
4/26/2011 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
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i <br /> Peter Boyer, Falmouth Funding Approach for wastewater Facilities <br /> Mr. Boyer described the history of Falmouth's progression, starting with the fall of 2009 when <br /> the Board of Selectmen reviewed a proposed draft of the Falmouth Comprehensive Wastewater <br /> Management Plan authored by Stearns&Wheler. 1h response, the Selectmen formed a Review <br /> Committee that worked throughout 2010 to develop recommendations and a financing plan to <br /> recommend to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. ]Boyer referenced page 5 in the C vMP document <br /> which depicts Falmouth's Sewer Debt Service Summary Schedule. Mr. Boyer noted that all <br /> communities will need to figure out how t o <br /> pay the oasts f wastewater projects. In Falmuth, <br /> the expense had initially been e $400 million. Falmouth opted to schedule the <br /> issuing of debt to fund the project, kering it-over many years. Mr. Boyer stated that <br /> staggering was based on plugging in the new debt when the old debt was paid off so as not to <br /> create a balloon. Mr. Boyer added that SRF.funding will be a critical need to finance wasiewater <br /> planning. Falmouth has planned to fund the first element of their plan with an SRS' loan o $1 0 <br /> million for construction. At market rate,the sarne loan would cost another $50 million. The <br /> issue of SRF depletion will be an enormous issue Capeide. Mr. Boyle referenced the <br /> Addendum page shoring the action timeline related to the funding of debt over a period of time. <br /> The Review Committee scrutinized the drab CWMP and original proposal for treatment and. <br /> discharge, which proposed a regional facility located on the base to service Falmouth, Bourne, <br /> Sandwich and Mashpee. The report proposed discharge by well-injection along Route 15 1. It <br /> was determined that it would not work in Falmouth since discharge would be in Zone 2 and the <br /> cost-for treatment would be substantial due to the discharge method. The Committee changed <br /> the focus and recommendation of the report and selected the existing tratrnent plant as the <br /> treatment plant, with discharge to be located at scattered sites throughout Falmouth. As a result,- <br /> the cost was reduced from$400 million t $2 90 million. Mr. Boyer referenced the East Waquoit <br /> watershed, which was originally scheduled for central sewer, but the Review Committee felt that <br /> the density was insufficient to justify central sewerage treatment and has been considered for <br /> cluster and on-site systems. That decision reduced the collection stern cost in the first phase <br /> by $35 million. <br /> Mr. Boyer referenced the local sources of funds available to fund the project as tett ennents and <br /> taxes. Mr. Boyer stated that Falmouth had not yet reached a conclusion about charging <br /> betterments. The Revi <br />
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