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Page 1 of 2 <br /> Print <br /> Ve ri o-n <br /> Subject Nitrogen removal systems to be utilized for OSDS <br /> From: Matt Cumers<> <br /> Sent: May 24,201109:05:52 AM <br /> To: <br /> CC: <br /> Ralph, <br /> I appreciate your motives and hope that we can be of some help to you. The majority of homes in <br /> Calvert County are served by OSDS (On-site Sewage Disposal Systems). We have established a <br /> program in our county that allows the usage of"Bay Restoration Fund" grant funds to be directed at <br /> systems that provide higher performance and lower energy costs. Through the past 4 years- we have <br /> installed nearly 250 systems through the grant fund. We have installed a variety of different systems <br /> throughout this time period with a broad spectrum of performance(effluent quality). Some of <br /> the systems that we installed early in this program have disappointed us with their performance and <br /> are no longer being purchased by our Bay Restoration Fund program. However, some of these systems <br /> have shown great performance and have really made an impression. <br /> Currently,we are using the grant funds to replace existing failed systems in our critical areas. Although <br /> we have utilized many different technologies,we have eventually evolved to using one primary <br /> technology. This technology is the Orenco Advantex AX-20 system(Distributed by Atlantic <br /> Solutions, Inc.). Results from testing performed in our county have shown Nitrogen reductions of 69% <br /> and better(below 20mg/L TN based on an estimated 60mg/L influent). Further,we are really impressed <br /> with the low operation and maintenance costs that we have been paying ($1000/5years for two <br /> inspections a year). We are also very happy with the low energy consumption of this unit($144/5 years, <br /> we have actually metered one of the units because we could not believe it). So, in summary we are <br /> mostly installing Orenco Advantex systems in Calvert County to the tune of about$12,325 (on average, <br /> some installs are higher and some lower)per unit, fully installed. This price also includes a five year <br /> warranty and five years of operation and maintenance as well as telemetric monitoring of every system <br /> installed. <br /> We have also had some success with some higher end Nitrogen reduction systems such as the Lombardo <br /> and Assoc.Nitrex system and the Hoot ANR system. The effluent quality from the Nitrex systems as <br /> consistently shown Total Nitrogen levels below 3 mg/L. We have been very impressed with this <br /> technology. The energy consumption is also very low($395/5years, with a feed pump included). <br /> Operation and Maintenance for five years on this system costs us about$1500. Our total installed cost <br /> for this system was just over$20,000 fully installed. We have only installed three of these systems,but <br /> have found the Nitrex system to be the highest Nitrogen reduction by a long shot. Just to let you know, <br /> the Nitrex system is an add-on to a pretreatment system. The ones that we have installed have utilized <br /> an Orenco Advantex system before the Nitrex add-on(two separate tanks and a separate pump <br /> chamber). Although we are very impressed with Nitrex,we have found that we get a better bang for the <br /> buck with the Orenco Advantex system alone. The Hoot ANR system is also a two-tank system that <br /> has shown some impressive performance. I cannot find the figures on that particular unit. However, I <br /> know that we have seen better than 80%TN reduction and paid somewhere in the ballpark of$18,000 <br /> fully installed. <br /> 6/11/2011 <br />