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Community Health Center of Cape Cod. Inc. (continued) <br /> curve as a screen. Mary LeBlanc said she agrees with the curve because it does give a little more <br /> screening. Joel Clifford noted that primary Fire Department response will be off Commercial Street. <br /> He said this emergency entrance is in the event they need to gain access to lower half of the building; <br /> otherwise, it really won't be used. <br /> Catherine Laurent questioned the status of the bus shelter. Applicant said it is still proposed. <br /> Catherine said it is not shown on Site Plan. Applicant said it has been approved by the Board of <br /> Selectmen and Plan Review. Tom Fudala suggested they put on their Plan and get approved all at <br /> one time. It was pointed out that proposed access not shown on architectural plan. <br /> Glen Harrington stated he spoke with Tim of Mike McGrath's office regarding septic system and Tim <br /> said they'll do a preliminary review with the Board of Heath and then a formal review after Cape Cod <br /> Commission Review. Lisa Cox said "yes"...they're scheduled for informal with Board of Health on <br /> July 27 and then complete formal at end of August. <br /> Applicant showed exterior rendering of the building and said it included a door at rear of the building <br /> so there will be access and sidewalk that runs along the building—but not shown on Plan. <br /> They showed ground floor and connection to the existing building and said they created second <br /> emergency exit—only change since last time they were before this Committee. <br /> Applicant brought a letter and gave it to Joel Clifford. Fire Department had wanted to make sure they <br /> had structural information on the existing fire wall at the parking lot. Tom Fudala asked them to send <br /> a copy of that letter to Charlie Rowley. Applicant will do that. <br /> Motion: David Kooharian motioned Design Review accepts the Plan based on the <br /> recommendations of the landscape architect; Mary LeBlanc seconded the motion; and the <br /> motion was unanimously passed by Design Review. <br /> Motion: Glen Harrington motioned that Plan Review approve based on Plan being submitted <br /> to the Board of Health for review; that emergency access confirm with Fire Department; <br /> additional along South side; and show bus shelter on the Plan. Scott <br /> Carline seconded this motion; and the motion was unanimously passed by Plan Review. <br /> Approval of Minutes <br /> Plan Review...Glen Harrington motioned to accept the minutes of the Combined Meeting of Design <br /> Review and Plan Review meeting of June 21, 2011 as presented; Scott Carline seconded this motion. <br /> The motion was approved by Plan Review members, except Catherine Laurent, who abstained. <br /> Design Review...Bob Nelson and David Kooharian approved the minutes of the June 21, 2011 <br /> Combined Meeting of Design Review and Plan Review on behalf of Design Review. Mary LeBlanc <br /> abstained from voting. <br /> Adiournment...This joint meeting of Design Review and Plan Review adjourned at 10:12 a.m.: <br /> pe <br /> ctfu ctfuly sub <br /> J an Giliberti, Recording Secretary <br /> 5 <br />