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Proactive, IncY <br /> auil Jana ay <br /> Corner of Charles Street and South Street <br /> Non-permanent miniature g, l a...cifty� <br /> Paul Jana gray appeared and said he has been looking at this mini-golf plan for 2 years now. He <br /> started with Mashpee Commons and moved across to South Cape pillage. He spoke to Cape Cod <br /> Commission. <br /> • Piece of land now is proposed area for building "G" t South Cape, Plan is if building does go <br /> for card'he woUld taike rr in-i-g if away'immed'iaiteily. <br /> 0 Modular setup; will be base level with stone dust on top to make a hard area. <br /> 0 course.gets light on it from surrounding lights there. <br /> He's had many discussions-with Toni and Dick downstairs that he will have to comply with , <br /> ADA requirements. He said the course is only 36 inches wide so someone from a wheelchair <br /> from the sides. <br /> 0 The way it's laid out on the Plan it takes up about 6 1000 square feet and is adjacent to the <br /> parking lot there. <br /> Fit t lot space next t -Dunkin'Donuts has a curb cut and-has curb cut a little further down. <br /> He would put some type of fencing around for when they are net open. <br /> He said possibly he could be there for 2 seasons. After Labor Day he'd_probably 9pen only <br /> weekends. <br /> He is looking at lova-level solar lighting. He said lighting there from lamp posts was very good <br /> .last.n.ig ht. <br /> • Walter Yarosh asked whether there was any way to use flat area around his area for parking. <br /> He said they don't use right was used when b u*1 Id i ng Walgreen. <br /> • 'Walter mentioned that most mini golfers are children so you want parking near.- <br /> ll alter suggested the word "temporary" to "seasonal" since tern porar -permits are <br /> generally for 30 days. <br /> 0 David Kooharian said perhaps Mr. Jana ay could ask to use some of the grass area for <br /> parking. <br /> Walter noted that design Review would rnake more_pari ing as a condition. <br /> Charlie said there is no van handicap access parking there. Charlie noted that one van <br /> handicap parking is needed over there. He said they should check with him to be sure they <br /> meet the gran-accessible size-requirement. Charlie-pointed out that ADA,regulations-are-met <br /> but Mashpee follows Massachusetts Architectural Board Regulations and -Lavers require to <br /> follow the stricter code. <br /> -Lover-light issues. -Charlie said in case someone,has visual impairment problems. Also, energy <br /> code. <br /> Surface for wheelchair doesn't have to be paved, as long as accessibility is possible. <br /> Tom Fudala commented that once they get into if they'll have to watch drainage. <br /> Toren said if fenced, then Commiffee needs to see fence proposed. Mr. Janaway ay showed <br /> .photo of ghat type of fencing he is considering. F <br /> Torn Fudala said Plan has to be reprised to show fence and to show entrance. <br /> Signage...2 signs. Halter Yarosh said he has to come in separately to Design Review lith <br /> -signage. Also, applicant,has to shover-signs-on site-Plan. <br /> 2 <br />