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MA HPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENVINDUSTRUL CORP.. MR,44 1 ES <br /> MAY 23, 2011 <br /> Present: Terrie Cook, Bob Walsh, Bob C bu zi, Mary LeClair, Carel Sherman S Liaison). <br /> Absent:- Robyn Sxrrimns <br /> Also: Geoff Spillane, Mashpee Enterpnse, Town Manager Joyce Mason joined mid meeting. <br /> Bob Walsh, Acting Chair, opened the meeting at :3PM, Rm 3, Town Hall. <br /> Alin u e : The Minutes of February 7, 2011 were moved by Terrie, seconded by Bob C b zzi. <br /> Roll call vote: Terrie Cook,Mary'LeClair,Bob Walsh, Bob C buzzi ALL YES'.. <br /> Election oj : Bob Walsh nominated Terrie Cook as Chairperson. Mary LeClair <br /> seconded. A roll call vote was taken: Mary LeClair,Bob Walsh,, Bob C buz i ALL YES. <br /> Terrie Cook abstained. Terrie Will be Chair through June 3 , 2012. <br /> Bob Cobuz l nominated Mary LeClair as Vice Chair. Bob Walsh seconded. A roll call vote was <br /> taken: Terrie Cook, Bob Walsh, Bob Cobuzzi ALL YES. Mary LeClair abstained. Mary will b <br /> Vice Chair through Jure 30, 2012, <br /> Strgle ie Economic Develome Plan:Mary LeClair stated that the draft does not reflect <br /> current data. Terrie asked: Anyone willing to work on updating the report? No sub committee <br /> will be f r e 1. Teme Cook noted page 29, CCC was involved ith our comprehensive <br /> strategy; land-use vision and map areas need updating. Page 3 , growth incentive zones are <br /> from the Planrfing Board. These areas meed to be re-visited and pnoritized and weighted. The <br /> direction needs to cone from ERIC. Page 37, look at Strengths and Weaknesses and change <br /> priority weight. Page 4 ,under Weaknesses: eert new businesses, look at this carefully,we <br /> are in a tight credit market no . Regional Policy Plan should be a 3 not a 2. Pages 48, 49 <br /> Performing Arts Center is a dead issue. Medium size hotel is o.k. Mary LeClair and Tem'e <br /> volunteered to be liaisons to the Planning Department and will work on updating the Report with <br /> Bill Newton. They asked the hoard to send them any comments, and they will come back to the <br /> Board with the changes to the draft. Bob Walsh suggested a revised Mission Statement or <br /> Priority Statement, and our focus needs to be clarified. Does E 1C want to be an advocate for <br /> EcononficDevelopment? Then let's say that. We can be a regional finance authority if we work <br /> with the surrounding Towns. Mary noted that it All be a challenge selling a building when there <br /> are so many vacancies in the Industrial Parr, <br /> Mash eel'a m u Grant: The two towns are splittmng a$40,000 award. Joyce Mason is <br /> coordinating, and dice Boyd is going to write the RFP with the scope. The fee of$500 will be <br /> split between the two towns. Bob Walsh suggests advancing the regional apprah with the four <br /> Towns, and this ill be the footprint to move towards establishing the regional fin.ancing <br /> authority. <br /> New Business: Bob Walsh suggested an Assisted Living Facility as the potential target for <br /> E IC's property. With the Health Clinic nearby, this would be compatible. <br />