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Perhaps a name change from Industrial Park to Economic Development 'ark nmight help. <br /> We need to test market and find development interest. An assisted-living facility would create <br /> job opportunities. The regional finance authority could be the managing authority. CCC has <br /> authority, the Legislation spells it out. The +acre parcel needs to be sold or leased as a on- <br /> profit. The town-owned land in the Industrial Park was limited to lease or sale to a non-profit <br /> entity by Ton king vote a few years ago. If it is decided to sell or lease to a profit-based <br /> entity, it will require a Town Meeting vote. If we want to change it at this October Town <br /> Meeting, an Article must be submitted by the second week in July. If it is sold or leased to a <br /> non-profit, the language needs to be written into the contract. It will be tax exempt. <br /> Bob will come back to the next meeting with more information and a demand curve. There Are <br /> two assisted-living facilities i <br />