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r <br /> . Scope of services to be provided. Indicate which services are being proposed and hours <br /> assigned to in&Odua)s expextcJ to complete tasks. Indicate ser-vices to be provided bysub- <br /> consultants, if any. . <br /> 7. Approach, comments, or observations as proposer deems relevant. <br /> . Experience of consultant team, firm, or individual. <br /> Listing and description of previous similar assignments including: <br /> a.. Location and project description <br /> b. Consultant team., firm, or individual's involvement <br /> C. References (names, title, and telephone numbers) <br /> d. Date started and completed <br /> 9. Qualifications and experience of each individual included in the proposal and expected to <br /> complete task. List The key in house management std and the lualihcations of individuals <br /> who will be involved in any phase of the project. <br /> 10. Acknowledgment of the proposes p-roject schedule and a ilii to-meet schedule <br /> requirements, or an explanation as to why a departure from the above schedule is needed. <br /> 11. Attach to each proposal package a signed oril Ton-Collusion Certificate pursuant to <br /> Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30, Section 39M.. <br /> 12. Attach to each proposal package a.signed original Certificate of Tax Compliance statement, <br /> B. Fee proposal <br /> Proposers should provide a.fee proposal for the proposed scope of services. Compensation <br /> should be proposed either on a fixed or not-to-exceed billing basis. However, fee proposals <br /> should clearly identify all task to be performed and the basis for fees charged (hourly rate vs. <br /> direct labor X multiplier); billing rates by individual position or job category; proposed levels of <br /> services, i.e. full time, part-tine, etc.; estimated cost by activity/task;; direct project expenses; <br /> subcontractor costs, if any(include a detailed cost breakdown); and any other costs comprising or <br /> not included in the proposed fee. <br /> The Ton of 1lashpee reserves the right to award a contract(s) for a combination of services to <br /> individual firrnrpo , <br /> C. Insurance <br />