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fi } <br /> Advantageous.- Experience working th 3-4 Economic Development Corporations <br /> Less advantageous.- Experience working with 1-2 Economic Development Corporations <br /> Unacceptable.- Consultant has not worked with an Economic Development Corporation <br /> PART M <br /> Proposal submission requirements <br /> The following specific information will be required Yn each consultant team, firm, or individual's <br /> qualification and proposal package: <br /> A. General infonna ion <br /> 1. Name, address, and telephone number of consultant team, firm, or individual and principal <br /> contact person. <br /> . 'rype of organization Le., corporation, partnership,joint venture,, sole proprietor etc.) <br /> including list of Learn participants., as appropriate. <br /> . History, ownership, and organizational background of the consultant team, firm, or individual. <br /> a. Provide a brief history of consultant team, firm, or individual involved as well as a <br /> synopsis of ownership and organizational structure; <br /> b. If the firm responding is a partially or fully owned subsidiary of another ficin, include <br /> the above information for the parent company and an appropriate-statement ent by the <br /> parent company in support of-the subsidiary's subrrnttal; <br /> I r <br /> C. In case the response in by a joint venture or partnership, identify the relationship of the <br /> response. i i i of the members of the 'oint venture or partnership and the mutual <br /> contractual obligations of the members,- further include the information requested <br /> above for all members; <br /> id. If the respondent intends to use a newly created subsidiary to perform its obligations, <br /> this must be fuhy disclosed and the reasons for such actions given; the parent company <br /> shall be responsible.for seettfing the liabilities of the subsidiary and substantially <br /> meeting the qualifications regeted'hrin. <br /> 4. An individual duly authorized to sign the subr ittal on behalf of the consultant team, firm, or <br /> individual must sign the proposal. <br /> . Fisting of Insurance Coverage as described in section C below (submittal o "Certificate of <br /> Insurance")will be required by the time of an execution of the contract. <br />