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summary and Mr. liedzwiecki responded that-the Development Agreement is a contract and that all parties <br /> must agree to move forward, starting with the minimum performance standards in the RPP as a baseline. Mr. <br /> I iedzwiecki stated that the Development Agreepent provides extra flexibility to order to accept substitutes. <br /> Mr. Rowley inquired about the value of the analysis of the whole project since it will occur over a long period <br /> of time with the potential for changes. lir. Niedzwiecki sued that it presents a risk, such as determining the <br /> cost of money compared to the cost of money in 20 gears or regulatory changes, and creates difficulty in <br /> establishing an exact number. However,Mr. liedzwiecid indicated that enough information can be generated <br /> to be directionally correct and that the different phases or milestones may require updates to a matrix. Mr. <br /> l ied wiecki referenced an example in Hyannis regarding transportation that also involved phases. tlrlr. <br /> I iedzwiecki noted that, more commonly, the applicant will request modifications due to changes over time. <br /> Also, should the RPP and certain standardschange, applicants my wish to re-negotiate heir contract. Mr. <br /> Rowley questioned to what extent the agreement is tiled to the zoning bylaws and.fir. Meed wiecki responded <br /> that rules may need to be frozen and the applicant will be held to the standard of the RPP at the time, but that <br /> some modification from the parties involved may need to be allowed and that the processes can be v rit en into <br /> the agreement. <br /> Mr. Balzarini questioned if major rnodificapfions would occur in a public hearing. Mr. Niedzwiecld responded <br /> that the Commission has set rules for modifications,but that they could be altered. Mr. liedzwiecki noted that <br /> in past DISI decisions,, certam changes have been classified in the agreement as either major or minor. Mr. <br /> Balzarini inquired whether arbitration would be available if there was disagreement between the Town and the <br /> Commission regarding whether a modification is minor or major and Mr. Niedzwiecki responded that the <br /> process could be.outlined in the agreement. Mr. pudala added that major and minor modifications are defined <br /> in the Town's Special Permit regulations, which could serve as a model for the Development Agreement and <br /> 11r. Iiedzwieki confirmed that they could be incorporated into the Agreement. <br /> llrlr. Pudala referenced the Economic Development Butletir4 and whether the applicant conducts a fiscalimpact <br /> study that is reviewed by the Commission. Ms. Richardson responded that it has varied by project and has been <br /> driven by the subcommittee or whether the applicant proposes cerWn benefits related to fiscal impact. Ms. <br /> Richardson stated that she works with the Town to acquire out and perform calculations. Mr. Fudala stated <br /> that the Planning Board has expressed interest in hiring a co to review the fiscal impact of the project <br /> but that the Board is unsure about what the Commission will review in regard to fiscal impact_ Mr. Babandni. <br /> stated that he would not wit a consultut if the Cape Cod Commission review of fiscal impact satisfies the <br /> needs of the Board. Board members asked abourt how the Commission acquires the nee a Bary information and <br /> Mr. Nieftwiecki responded that a report will be provided to the Planning Board for their review. Mr. Balzarini <br /> questioned whether the report will provide actual numbers and Mr. Nieftwiecki responded that the report could <br /> shore, based on phases, a range of pot 'a] tax benefits, a range of potentia] costs to the'Down and assumptions <br /> and estimations. The Chair questioned whether a report of a previous project may be available to the Board in <br /> order to become farm liar with some of the terms ms and Mr. l ied wiecki responded that he will forward the <br /> economic analysis of the Circuit City project in Hyannis. Board members discussed other development <br /> projects, such as Legacy place in Dedham. Mr. Iiedzwiecki will also share the economic analysi and <br /> assumptions made for the Golden Triangle in sandwich and a project in downtown Hyannis. Mr. Kooharian <br /> questioned whether the Commission had reviewed similar projects and 11r. Iiedzwiecki responded that the <br /> project is unique due to its form based ming, but that they have reviewed projects with similar size and scope. <br /> The Chair inquired about what makes fora based zoning-unique and Mr. Niedzwiecki responded that it does not <br /> control use,, opening it up to the free market, but that it does coi the character and feel of the development. <br /> IIrJr. Storrs stated that it is up to the developer to dine market feasibility, adding that everyone wants a net <br /> positive impact. Mr. Storrs stated that fiscal impact is based upon asm1mptions that will be agreed upon by al <br /> parties and that parameters will be determined collectively so that an additional consultant will be unnecessary. <br /> Mr. l iedzwiecki suggested that an additional consultant will likely request the information already collected by <br /> the Cape Cod Commission, but chane for their services. Mr. EWzarini indicated his support for the <br /> 4 <br />