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1/5/2011 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
1/5/2011 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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11rIr. Fudala reported that he received an email from Mr. Lima that he would be unable to attend the mewing. <br /> Mr. Fudala also reported that he was in receipt of County test results on Well 5 indicating that they are unable to <br /> determine whether fertilizer or septic is the nitrogen source. The County has recommended a re-test in order to <br /> determine the source using boron and NBAS, indicators for deterge nts. Mr. Fudala stated that he was unsure i <br /> the missing well had been found. The Chair inquired whether a complete fist of compounds had been identified <br /> f r the re-testing of Well 5 and Mr. FudaJa responded that he had not re-composed the list since Mr. Lima was <br /> unable to attend the meeting. Board mem expressed interest in continuing the hearing in order to hear about <br /> the results of the next test. Chainnan ways requested that-Mr. Fudala send Mr.Lima a list ofpararneters for <br /> retesting the well for the two compounds. John Wilcox, Association President, confirmed that there has been <br /> trouble locating the missing well and that Mr. Lima had been ming calls to conduct the additional testing. <br /> MOTION': Mr, Ba arini made a motion to continue the Pubfic Hearing to February 16 at 7:10 p.m. Mr. <br /> Mul in seconded the motion. Ail voted unanimously. <br /> Discussion of Town Consultants and Economic ev pment Fcal Impact Study for Ma hp a Commons <br /> . A with Cape Cod Commission Staff' <br /> Paul Niedzwiecl i, Executive Director of the Cape Cod Commission, and Leslie Richardson, Economic <br /> Development officer, were pmt at the meeting to address questions from the Planning Board regarding an <br /> economic development seal impact study for the Mashpee Commons Development Agreement. Chairman <br /> waygan stated the Board's intent in the project's fiscal impact, including a cost benefit analysis to assess <br /> whether the benefits of the project outweighs the tax burden to the Town, and invited Cape Cod Commission <br /> staff to provide additional information to assist the Planning Board with their consideration of the project_ Ms. <br /> Richardson distributed copies of the Regional Policy Plan (RPF)to members of the Board, in addition to the <br /> Economic Technical Bulletin than was plepared m 2004 under the previous RFP. The Bulletin summarizes how <br /> Developments of Regional Impad are reviewed for economic development benefits. Under the current RPP, <br /> the focus of the minimum performance standard for economic development is a location based standard. Ms. <br /> Richardson noted that there are a number of best development practices within.the sero about the economic <br /> and fiscal benefit of the project. <br /> Ms. Richardson stated that the economic benefit reviews job availability, wages and quality of the jobs whereas <br /> seal impact considers the eqKzted tax revenues of the project and the expected cost of services provided by <br /> the Town_ -Mr. Bal rarini questioned whether the Coni roission considers the project on behalf of the Town and <br /> Ms. Richardson co,nd rmed that it considers its direct impact to Mashpee, such as the number of jobs created. <br /> llrlr_ l alzarini inquired whether the project is considered at 100%build out and Ms. Richardson stated that since <br /> the project is a Development Agreement-and being developed in stage, the project would be considered <br /> different from a DRI t 100%build out). Mr. I ooharian inquired whether each of the phases would be broken <br /> down and Mr. Medzwiecl i added thax, as a long to project„ fiscal impact analysis will tape into account the <br /> individual phases, suggesting that there will be dint impacts for commercial versus residential. lir. <br /> Batzarini suggested that it would be challenging to review the project in phases over 20 years. Mr. NTiedzwiecki <br /> agreed that it would not be exact,but that they will have an idea about hog much of the project wifl be <br /> residential, office space or retail space in order to make statements about the impact to the Town, positive or <br /> negative. <br /> Mr. I o h rian asked about the potential to support a proposed mall and Mr. Niedzwiecki responded that the <br /> Commission conducts a number of studies related to retail and developing economic centers in order to assess <br /> whether the project is reasonable for a town. Mr. l iedzwiec i added that the orrj"1nissi n generally would not <br /> conduct a market study for a Development Agreement or IRI sig the bank would determine whether the <br /> market would near such a project. Mr.Nriedzvviecki emp i.zed that the Comission focuses on how the <br /> economic development activity will cite local wealth and income that stays local and hors much will be <br /> directed to big box that moves it off Cape. The Chair questioned if the staff report would provide details or <br /> 3 <br />
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