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5/4/2011 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
5/4/2011 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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consultant reviewing the dam inquired why the Town would consider the circulators <br /> rather than lowering the depth of the pond. The Chair inquired how the problem would <br /> _ be solved by lowering the pond and Nor. peter suggested the possibility of creating a <br /> freshwater wetlands and capturing the nutrients from runoff before entering the water <br /> body. There was discussion about the possibility of a feasibility study_ <br /> Mr. I ooharian suggested that maintenance of the pond was expensive without resolving <br /> the sources of the problem. The Chair noted the issue was discussed at the CPC <br /> meeting and reported that the EOC was also working on a fertilizer bylaw. The Chair <br /> noted that the algae.bloom has become a public health issue and has been listed as one of <br /> the State's impaired waters, requiring action. lair. Petersen suggested that lowering the <br /> pond may limit growth of the algae in the shallower areas but Mr. Fudala suggested that <br /> the algae may bloom even gorse if the pond were lower. Mr. Petersen stated that the <br /> source of the algae had not been conclusively identified in the study and could be <br /> produced by other sources. The report indicated that the pond had a very heavy growth <br /> of plant matter, which would create*and deplete oxygen on its own. The Chair stated that <br /> the input of phosphorus has caused the problem. lair. Fudala stated that in 1980 the state <br /> listed the pond as the second most eutrophic pond in MassachusMs. fir. Kohrin <br /> inquired about how to realistically fix the problem and the Chair responded that if the <br /> circulators were effective, they would be in the pond forever. Mr. Petersen noted that the <br /> primary source of the phosphorus was not just from the runoff but also the dead <br /> vegetation at the bottom of the pond. Dredging would remove the source of the problem. <br /> Mr. Balzarini stated that $12 million seemed high for 170 acres. Mr. Petersen suggested <br /> that the sediments may be 10 solids and 90%water. The difficulty of dredging is <br /> identifying an area to de-water the dredge material. A possible location for the <br /> dewatering could be the adjacent cranberry bogs, and then remove the solids. Mr. Fudala <br /> stated that the'Town owned the.bogs and the bogs were ff' uwtive. The next EOC meeting <br /> it 1 be on mar 12. <br /> Design Review Committee-Mr. Kooh. ri n was unable to attend the most recent <br /> meeting. The Chair inquired about the recently passed bylaw and whether the.Attorney <br /> General needed to review the bylaw. Mr. Fudala responded that state law indicated that <br /> zoning bylaws were effective when approved by Town Meeting and that the AG requires <br /> review and then it would be applied roactively. Chairman Way gan recommended that <br /> it be discussed further when the Planning Board reorganizes after the efection. <br /> Community Preservation Committee-Chairman waygan reported that the CPC met last <br /> night and discussed the DPW/Friends of Santuit pond application to fund solar powered <br /> circulators- The Chair recommended that the scope of the proposal be expanded to <br /> include working on addressing the sources sucb as road runof . The next CPC meeting <br /> will be held on June 7. The Chair reported thadt the Pickerel Cove request did not pass <br /> Town Meeting- The Pickerel Cove restoration could reapply to be considered in.the next <br /> round. 'There was discussion regarding the complaints.about the proposal that a neighbor <br /> expressed at Town Meeting. <br /> Historic District Com m ission-I o.meeting <br />
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