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i ■ <br /> Old Business <br /> Comprehensive Plan-Mr. Fu d a stated that he has not had access to a computer for <br /> weeks and that Mr. Newton has completed some work on the Plan. <br /> F <br /> Development Agreement Bylaw-Discussion has been tabled due to Mr. Fudala's <br /> inability to access his computer fides. <br /> New Business <br /> 9 Melissa Avenue-Mr. Fuclara stated that there was an un-hunt lot, owned byRalph <br /> 1larcelli, located on a dirt road. Variances have been acquired for the buildable lot, but the <br /> Zoning..Bylaw did not allow construction if not fronted by a stream or if the street is neither <br /> town road or a road previously approved by the Planning Board or subdivision control or a road <br /> serving as a primary access to a residence. It has been requested that a discussion be scheduled <br /> to review the issue at the next meeting on May 18 and to authorize having Mr. Roney review <br /> the,road. The Chair and Vice-Chair voiced their approval to add the issue to the agenda and to <br /> authorize approval for 1r. Rowley to review the road. <br /> WATERWA S LICENSES <br /> -Marc Wiseman, Renewal for licensing of dock <br /> CORRESPONDENCE <br /> -Charles Rowley April 2011 Invoice for Services <br /> Mr. Fudala stated that the April invoice from Mr. Rowley totaled $860 for attendance at.the <br /> meeting, inspections and a report. <br /> MOTION: Mr. rini made a motion to approve the request from Charles Rowley, <br /> Mr, Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> -Falmouth Planning Board <br /> Mr. Fudala referenced the request received from the Falmouth Planning Board asking that the <br /> NWhpee.Planning Board provide a letter agreeing to a waiver of hearing notice regarding the' <br /> Falmouth Planning Board March 1 hearing on zoning Article 3 for Falmouth's Spring 2011 <br /> Town-Meeting. Althougb Falmouth provided proper notice in the paper, the Board did not <br /> properly notify adjacent towns. The Article was regarding the Flood Plains Zone. lair. Fudala <br /> dratted a response letter on behalf of Chairman Waygan waiving the rights. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to send the letter agreeing to waive the rights for <br /> notice,written by th-e Planning to the Falmouth Planning Board, and for the Chair <br /> to sign the letter. Mr. Koohar <br />