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Mr. Ba rini made.a notion to wa s the filing and inspection fees for the application. <br /> Mr.Kooharian seconded the motion. Ail voted unanimously. <br /> Mathew Colbert of the CCRTA stated that the shelter would be maintained. Mr. Kooharian <br /> reported that Plan Review had supported the request. Mr. Fudala drafted a decision for review <br /> by the-Planning Board. <br /> Mr. Bal arini made a motion to approve the Modification of the Special Permit to allow the <br /> shelter to be built as proposed by Mashpee ULAC. Mr.I ooharian seconded the motion. All <br /> voted unanin oust . <br /> Mr. Eddy was advised that a signed and notarized copy of the decision would be available on <br /> Friday. <br /> Request from Stuart Bornstein, Holl ► Suppty <br /> llrlr. Fudala reported that two copies of the s-built plan had been received from Mr. Bornstein <br /> and that Nor. Fudala had inspected the site to make comparisons to the plan. Mr. Fudala <br /> documented aseries of differences i.n his memo dated 9121111. <br /> Chairman Waygan noted her expectation that a 2011 --built plan be submitted. Mr. Bornstein <br /> Lein <br /> responded that the plans represented what was on the ground, adding that certain site conditions <br /> had required some changes. 11r. Bornstein stated that it would be redundant to hire an engineer <br /> to draft a new plan. Mr. Bornstein stated that there were some odds and ends variations made <br /> due to site condition but that buildings and entrances were located where they were supposed to <br /> be located, adding that spots and shrubs, of which o additional shrubs had been planted, <br /> � Pig � <br /> should not be an issue. Mr. Bornstein reported that the handicap signs had been stolen and <br /> would be replaced upon the arrival of a tenant, and would be addressed by the building inspector. <br /> In reference to the two dead trees, lir. Bornstein suggested that there were more trees on the site <br /> than what was originally rewired, adding that the property was a 15 acre site. <br /> The Chair referenced.the issue of the buildings that do not line up. Mr. Rowley owed Haat <br /> the foundations did not line up with a difference of a couple of feet and that it was not reflected <br /> on the as-built plan. Mr. Rowley ley indicated that the change was not significant and would not <br /> impact the site, but that the -bunt plan should reflect cussing conditions. <br /> Mr. Fudala coed that theas-built did not match the codsting conditions. Mr. Fudala noted <br /> that 8 parking spaces had been eliminated from the original plan and that the handicap parking <br /> was not marked on the pavement or by signage. Mr. Fudala stated that the f ncm" g along the <br /> stormwater retention area ran along-the pavement and feaftuW no landscaping on either side of <br /> the fence. lir. Fudala and the Chair emphasized a need to have a town record showing the <br /> current conditions on the site. lir. Bornstein responded Haat he would have an engineer address <br /> the concerns. fir. Fudala stated that he was responsible for certifying the landscaping but noted <br /> that the dead gees required replacement and that there were gaps in the screening vith the <br /> adjacent house where there should be two trees. Mr. Fudala referenced the storrnwater swale <br /> where grass was expected but novo consisted of sand and weeds which would.not perforin the <br /> necessary nitrogen removal. 11r. Rowley responded that constant irri on would be necessary <br /> 3 <br />