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to encourage the gms to grow, noting that the area would oth ; dry out very quickly. Mr. <br /> udala stated that there was insufficient top soil. lir. Balzanni* inquired about using native <br /> plants. Mr. Bornstein stated that top soil had been originally added but that weeds had taken <br /> over, and that the result prevented erosion. Mr. Petmen agreed t. t if the slope was stbi l ied, <br /> the slope should be left alone. <br /> Mr. Fudala awested that no areas hd been maintmned. Chairman waygan expressed concern <br /> about the gap and expressed her preference that it be addressed since the site had abutters. 11r. <br /> Bornstein stated that he installed 40 extra shrubs but that he would tape another look at the site. <br /> Fudala stated that there were many trees in the north near the gym. The Chair requested that <br /> in addition:to addressing the gap, Mr. Bornstein also provide an up-to-date and correct existing <br /> conditions plan. The issue will be added to the October " meeting. <br /> Proposed Fuel'Wanks at Southport <br /> Ron Bonvie stated that he had hired a contractor to supply, permit and install the materials <br /> needed for the proposed Fuel tanks. Mr. Bonvie explained that Southport was in need of a diesel <br /> and a gas storage tank for their maintenance, plowing and landscaping needs. The contractor <br /> was expected to aftend the meeting in order to answer questions from the Planning Board. <br /> Chairman Waygan inquired whether an emergency spill kit would be available at the site. Mr. <br /> Fudala reported that the conditions he placed in the decision were based on the Fire Department <br /> Inspector's input and Mr. l o de ' 'Mput. The Fire Department required that a contaimment <br /> enclosure be added, that a fence be placed around the pad for security, which was not reflected <br /> + on the plan, and an.emergency spill kit located at the location of the uaks. Andpdated plan <br /> must reflect these items at-the site. It was determined that the decision could be approved <br /> pending the receipt of an updated plan. <br /> IIrIr. Petersen inquired whether there would be any fire prevention in place such as with automatic <br /> shut off valves or double wall containment. 11r.Rowley wed that there would be no overhead <br /> fire prevention. Mr. Bonvie stated that the hired co had installed many tanks that had <br /> met State requirements., and that he anticipated him attending the meeting to answer the Board's <br /> questions. -Mr. Petersen suggested that more information was needed and that he would check-on <br /> the State buildingcodes-to veri the requirements. fr. Bonvie noted that his contract required <br /> � <br /> that all codes be satisfied. The decision will be-tabled until October 5 to allow receipt of a more <br /> Ted plan. <br /> COMEPREHEN SJP E PIAT <br /> Continuation of Redew of Drn Economic Development Element Update <br /> Discussion was tabled for another time for Planning Board members to review the draft. <br /> Town.Planner Report on Meeting with Daman Savices Meeting <br /> Mr. Fudala reported that the,Committee discussed the post Planning Board dram and members <br /> made further suggested changes, primly i <br />