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J <br /> MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 12, 2018 <br /> 2. Site Plan---Proposed Addition for#21 Metacomet Rd.,Prepared for James Whitney <br /> in Mashpee, MA. Plan Date: October 17, 2018, Plan Scale: 1" = 20', Project #: <br /> 16097, CAD File Name: 16097SPnew,Drawn by: LM/DMM, Sheet 1 of 1, Signed <br /> by: Michael J. Borselli, Civil Registered Professional Engineer. No. 35054 and <br /> Gary S. Labrie Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 40039. <br /> 3. Conditioned on all Town Department comments read into the record. <br /> 4. Conditioned upon the applicant submitting a new plan that clearly depicts the <br /> existing garage from the proposed garage. The 48 ft. will show the existing <br /> garage, and the proposed will show the 50 ft. buffer. <br /> 5. Conditioned upon that this request does not include an accessory apartment, and <br /> that this Board did not approve the addition as an accessory apartment. <br /> Mr. Goldstein seconded. All were in favor of the Written Finding for the proposed <br /> renovations. <br /> 187 Wadine Place Road: Owners,Dennis and Margaret Quilty request a Written Finding <br /> under §174-17 to allow for. an alteration and addition on an existing deck on property <br /> located in an R-3 Zoning District and the Popponesset Overlay District, (Map 112 Parcel <br /> 89), Mashpee, MA, <br /> Mr. Quilty represented himself for the application. He said he would like to create a family <br /> room from the existing deck that his located in the rear. He has owned the property for 18 <br /> years. He replaced the deck when the addition was instructed 10 years ago. <br /> Mr.Mendoza said that someone came into the office and questioned if the deck was legally <br /> permitted. He said the deck is not 15 ft. off the side yard, and its only 11.3 ft. His office <br /> couldn't locate a permit for the deck. <br /> The Board requested that the applicant provide the building permit. <br /> Mr. Furbush read the abutter letter into the record. <br /> Mr. Goldstein said that the site plan shows 11. 9 ft. to the corner of the step. The proposed <br /> addition is 11.10 ft. which is only to the corner of the deck. <br /> Mr. Bonvie said as one member that if the applicant cannot locate the permit, the step off <br /> the deck is more than a foot, so the distance is so close to the 15 ft. setback. He suggested <br /> that the applicant redesign the proposed deck to be 15 ft.,and would not require a Variance <br /> or a Finding. <br /> Mr. Goldstein said as one member that if the applicant can prove that the deck was <br /> permitted at the time, and the setback is better than before, he would not have a problem <br /> with the addition. <br /> 12 <br />