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converted to a pump chamber and an additional leach field will be installed. Part of the <br /> proposal is to relocate the retaining walls and expand the parking area and relocate the <br /> shed. This will have an environmental benefit and the project meets all of the performance <br /> standards. <br /> The Agent reviewed photos of the property and noted the driveway, the shed, the retaining <br /> walls and the lot line between the two properties and the coastal bank. He stated all of the <br /> changes are being contained within previously disturbed areas. He noted the Board of <br /> Health has received and reviewed the application. Mr. Costa noted the Board of Health <br /> approved the application tonight. <br /> No comment from the public <br /> Motion: Mr. Smith moved a Negative Determination, seconded by Mr. Dalton. Vote <br /> unanimous 4-0 <br /> Update; Upper Quashnet Restoration/AFCEC <br /> The Agent gave an update on the Upper Quashnet Restoration. He said the funding is in <br /> place and we have an agreement signed by all parties, the Air Force and the Town. He <br /> noted one lawyer from the Air Force wants to have a wording change which won't affect the <br /> funding. The lawyer has asked for a letter of acknowledgement dealing with the remaining <br /> portions of the berm where the Conservation Commission accepts full responsibility for the <br /> berms installed by the Air Force Civil Engineer Center as part of the Fuel Spill 1 Groundwater <br /> Contamination Cleanup Operation at the Upper Quashnet Bog complex in Mashpee. The <br /> letter included the Conservation Commission accepts full responsibility for the berms now <br /> and into the future. The failed portion of the berm installed by the Air Force Civil Engineer <br /> Center which has impacted the Upper Quashnet River is not part of this acknowledgement. <br /> The Agent stated the letter was reviewed by town council and stated the letter needs to be <br /> signed by the Conservation Commissioners. <br /> Motion: Mr. Smith moved to accept and sign the of agreement to the Air Force Civil <br /> Engineer Center prepared by the Conservation Agent as discussed. Seconded by Mr. <br /> O'Neill. Vote unanimous 4-0 <br /> Discussion. Change start of meeting time <br /> The Agent asked if the Commissioners wished to change the start of the Conservation <br /> meetings from 5:55 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Commissioners generally agreed to the change. <br /> The Agent stated he would notify the papers and include time on the agenda. <br /> ADDITIONAL TOPICS <br /> (This space is reserved for topics that the Chairman did not reasonably anticipate would <br /> be discussed). <br /> Letter from USDA-NRCS re: Santuit Pond Fish Ladder <br />