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MINUTES <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION <br /> TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2018 <br /> ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE ROOM <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> 6:00 p.m.—Convene Meeting in Open Session <br /> Members Present: Carol Sherman,Denise Dutson,Pamela McCarthy, <br /> Patrice Pimental <br /> Absent: Gene Olson, Robyn Simmons <br /> Also Present: Evan Lehrer,Town Planner, Glenn Thompson <br /> 1. Call Meeting to Order <br /> Chairman Carol Sherman opened the meeting at 6:20 p.m. <br /> 2. Approval of Minutes —Minutes September 25,2018 <br /> Motion: Denise Dutson moved to approve the September 25, 2018 minutes, seconded by Pamela <br /> McCarthy. Vote unanimous 4-0. <br /> 3. New Business <br /> Letter of Interest— Glen Thompson <br /> The Chair introduced Glen Thompson who submitted a letter of interest along with his resume to <br /> become a member of the EDIC. He briefly reviewed his background. <br /> Motion: Pamela McCarthy moved to recommend to the Selectmen that Glen Thompson be <br /> appointed as a member of the Economic Development Committee, Seconded by Denise Dutson. <br /> Vote unanimous 4.0 <br /> Evan Lehrer,Town Planner—Discussion Open Counter <br /> Evan Lehrer, Town Planner, explained OpenCounter which is a tool that takes the zoning code, zoning <br /> map and parcel information and codifies it in such a way that if someone wants to open a business they <br /> type in a use and it will isolate specific sections of our zoning bylaw that is applicable and compare it to <br /> the districts. It will assist the user with the permitting process and provides the user with a lot of data. <br /> Evan stated he can also use the data to assist him in updating the zoning bylaw. He noted it is user <br /> friendly. <br /> Evan stated he will hopefully have a landing page launched by the end of the week and he then will <br /> work on coordinating publicizing OpenCounter is available as a tool. He noted it also applies to <br /> residential. There was a discussion on special permits and change of use and Evan suggested EDIC <br /> spearheading, in conjunction with his office; what are the uses allowed in town that should be an <br /> administrative approval. He stated he would send the link to OpenCounter to the FDIC members. <br />