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MASHPEE ENVIRONMENTAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> JUNE 13, 2018 <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> OCKWAY MEETING ROOM <br /> Present: Michael Talbot, Dale McKay, Tom Hoppensteadt, Joe Cummings <br /> Absent: Katelyn Cadoret, Rick York, Ashley Fisher, Andrew Gottlieb, Andrew <br /> McManus <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael Talbot at 6:30 p.m. <br /> APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: <br /> May 9, 2018 - Hold <br /> COMMUNICATIONS & CORRESPONDENCE: <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Revitalization of the Mashpee Community Garden and the Attaquin Lot; Mashpee <br /> Community Garden Advisory Committee Approved and Accepting Nominations <br /> The Chair noted the Board of Selectmen approved a new committee called the <br /> Mashpee Community Garden Advisory Committee and is accepting nominations. They <br /> are looking for people who are interested in joining and are looking for someone from <br /> the Mashpee Historical Commission because they have an interest in that site. The <br /> Selectmen will be looking at the nominations. <br /> Expanding the Single Use Plastic Bag Ban Bylaw: National Movement to Ban <br /> Plastic Straws and Bottles <br /> The Chair stated he has been looking at the single use plastic bag ban bylaw and is <br /> thinking of expanding it including plastic bottles and polystyrene. He said Provincetown <br /> has developed a bylaw that includes plastic straws and polystyrene and it passed <br /> overwhelmingly. He referred to the email sent to the members from Katelyn Cadoret. <br /> He proposed taking a look at Provincetown`s bylaw and consider adopting that or <br /> something similar in Mashpee. The members agreed further investigating the <br /> Province#own Bylaw. There was a conversation on how the plastic bag bylaw was <br /> working out and it was noted the stores have generally been complying. <br /> Mashpee Rotary Restoration Planning; Lost Tree Replacements <br /> The Chair noted the rotary lost a number of trees during the recent storms. The State <br /> controls the rotary because it is a State highway and will permit the replacement of the <br /> lost trees. There are some people in town who will be donating the trees and the <br />