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The Chair reviewed Provincetown's Plastic Straw and Polystyrene Bans for Mashpee. Dale <br /> McKay agreed to review the Bylaw and will make changes to conform it to a Mashpee Bylaw <br /> and make some recommendations. There are two separate bylaws: plastic straw ban and <br /> polystyrene ban. This will be discussed again at the next meeting. <br /> Mashpee Community Garden Advisory Committee: Update <br /> The Chair stated the Mashpee Community Garden Advisory Committee has met with the <br /> Historical Commission to see how it would fit into their long-range plans. One thing we came <br /> up with is to reconfigure the gardens. Mary Waygan said the committee should apply for <br /> CPA funding and the deadline is November 1. The Chair noted they want to revitalize the <br /> gardens and make it more user friendly. They are at the point they are tackling the pathways. <br /> The plan is to get a taller fence with a locked gate and possibly a camera. They also have to <br /> keep out critters like groundhogs, bigger beds and smaller pathways. <br /> ACTION ITEMS UPDATE <br /> Mashpee Greenway Re-design of and Funding for the Quashnet River Footbridge <br /> Mary Waygan stated they are now thinking of two footbridges instead of the one. She was <br /> hoping for some grant money for the second bridge. It was noted AmeriCorps would possibly <br /> be able to give help in the construction. She noted there should be a memo going to all the <br /> committees in town asking how they feel about the Community Preservation Program <br /> because there is an option on the Cape to vote out of it in 2020: The 3% surcharge is used <br /> for historical preservation, recreation, open space and affordable housing. The Committee <br /> will be interested in the comments from EOC. <br /> Mashpee CWMP: <br /> DNR Estuary Restoration/Shellfish Propagation; Update <br /> Mr. York stated the Selectmen voted not to include the increased funding for the shellfish <br /> program in the October Town Meeting Warrant. <br /> Rick York stated he put in a request for funding for seed for 2019 for the shellfish component <br /> of the comprehensive watershed nitrogen management plan to restore water quality. He <br /> stated there was a July 9 deadline and he put it in a couple hours late because they are <br /> overworked and shorthanded. It didn't get in until the very last meeting when the Selectmen <br /> were considering it and at the beginning of that section of the warrant, the chairman <br /> announced they wouldn't have any discussion or input from anyone but themselves and the <br /> town manager. Rick passed out the SMAST report on the distribution of Total Nitrogen within <br /> the Waquoit Bay Estuarine System Long Term vs 2010-2017, which showed a reduction in <br /> the areas seeded with quahogs in the restoration area. <br /> Rick stated we are going to expand shellfish farms which will allow us to at least keep some <br /> improvement going. The Chair suggested EOC write a letter to the Board of Selectmen and <br /> following a lengthy discussion, the members agreed that the Chair talk with Andrew Gottlieb <br /> before he writes a letter to the Board of Selectmen reminding them of how important the <br /> shellfish program is to the Town of Mashpee. <br /> IMA's with other towns; DRI Review: No Update <br /> Planning for sewers; connections with private sewers: No Update <br /> 2 <br />