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of Selectmen. The conversation will be driven on how are we going to fund wastewater. He spoke about <br /> Sandwich's proposal. <br /> ACTION ITEMS UPDATE <br /> Mashpee Greenway Re-design of and Funding for the Quashnet River Footbridge—No Update <br /> MCGAC: Update on Garden Clean-up: New Garden Design: CPC Funding. <br /> The Chair stated they are awaiting the CPC's decision on the funding. Andrew Gottlieb stated they will be <br /> meeting on Tuesday, December 18 and January V. <br /> Mashpee CWMP: <br /> DNR Estuary Restoration/Shellfish Propagation; Update <br /> Rick York stated the oyster season is ongoing. He stated he went to the CIP for a potential building at <br /> Ockway Landing primarily for the shellfish program and the harbormaster as well as to facilitate <br /> improvement. It is a perfect site for a building. The need is for the wastewater plan implementation of <br /> shellfish component of the comprehensive watershed nitrogen management plan. They need a facility and <br /> space to do that project. He noted their offices will stay at town hall. <br /> The Chair mentioned Rick and Ashely did a nice presentation at the Cape Coastal Conference which <br /> showed Mashpee is on the cutting edge. Rick stressed we have to sewer the Quashnet area which is in <br /> the plan which we need to implement <br /> IMA's with other towns; DRI Review: No Update <br /> Planning for sewers; connections with private sewers: No Update <br /> Andrew Gottlieb stated there will be a two-day briefing session on the plan for the Board of Selectmen, all <br /> regulatory boards and the public on January 14 and 15. On the first night, there will be a presentation by <br /> Jeff Gregg from GHD on what the plan is and the second night will be a discussion on the implementation. <br /> Mashpee Nutrient Control Bylaw; Update on AG Approval <br /> The Chair stated the bylaw was approved by the Attorney General but he is still waiting for clarification as <br /> to whether the Cape Cod Commission needs to review the bylaw. He stated he will send the information <br /> he has to Andrew Gottlieb and Andrew will check with the Commission. <br /> Town-Wide Stormwater Management Plan (including Santuit Pond): Update <br /> Rick York stated he was sworn in as a member of the Stormwater Management Committee. Rick spoke <br /> about the blooms in Santuit Pond and that the water was cleared in September and will need to wait to see <br /> what happens next year. <br /> DNR and MEC (PALS) Pond & Estuary Water Quality Monitoring: Update <br /> REPORTS <br /> Conservation Department Report: <br /> Katelyn Cadoret gave the Conservation Department Report <br /> John's Pond Fish Ladder hydraulic study will be done by the BSC Group; NRCS will be paying for the <br /> project. <br /> Herring Run Fish Ladder Improvements; Herring Count Program wl APCC: <br /> An RFP is out for the Phase I Dam Inspection of the Santuit Pond Fish Ladder. No response yet. NRCS is <br /> also going to fund a study of the functionality of this ladder; they have assembled a team and will provide <br /> Remediation Funding, if necessary, to improve fish passage here. Mass DCR Office of Dam Safety has <br />